(A) Increasing Hb-O2 affinity during hypoxia with 5-HMF preserves cardiac oxygenation. Representation of the oxygenation in the coronary circulation during normoxia and hypoxia. Red represents oxygenated blood, blue represents deoxygenated blood. Left, during normoxia, cardiac tissue is well oxygenated. Center, during hypoxia, O2 is offloaded to the tissues. Right, Increasing Hb-O2 affinity during hypoxia with 5-HMF increases Hb-O2 saturation during hypoxia and increases coronary O2 delivery. (B) Dorsal skinfold window chamber HSIs. Left, RGB representation of the analyzed region of the chamber. Center, resulting hemoglobin (Hb) saturation maps at normoxia and hypoxia prior to the administration of 5-HMF. Right, resulting Hb saturation maps at normoxia and hypoxia after administration of 5-HMF. Colormap for the saturation is presented on the right. Arterial saturation, as measured by an arterial line blood sample, for each timepoint, is shown in parenthesis. Arterioles in each image are represented by red arrows.