Figure 3. Specific binding of VEGFR2 Y1212 to GRB2 and PI3Kp85.
A, BImmunoblot showing VEGFR2 phosphorylation on pY1212, pY949, and pY1173. (A) Anti‐VEGFR2 immunoprecipitates (IP) from lung lysates from wild‐type (WT) and Vegfr2 Y1212F/Y1212F FVB mice, tail‐vein‐injected with PBS or VEGF for 1 min. (B) Quantification as percentage of phosphoprotein level normalized to total VEGFR2. Each lane (A) and each dot (B) represent one individual mouse. Sidak's multiple comparison test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001. n = 3.
CSummary plot of 51 proteins enriched in the immobilized pY1212 peptide precipitate. Ten proteins (red oval) were selected for further analysis. PSM: peptide‐spectrum match. Area: average area of spectra for the three most abundant peptides in arbitrary units.
DBlot for peptide‐enriched GRB2 and PI3Kp85. HDMEC total lysate incubated with indicated immobilized peptides followed by immunoblotting for GRB2 and PI3Kp85.
E–GVEGFR2/GRB2 and VEGFR2/PI3Kp85 complexes in isolated (i) ECs. (E) PLA for VEGFR2/GRB2 and VEGFR2/PI3Kp85 complexes (black puncta) in iECs from FVB WT and Vegfr2 Y1212F/Y1212F lungs. Hoechst 33342 show nuclei (gray). Scale bar, 20 μm. (F, G) Fold increase over PBS‐treated sample; each dot represents the mean of six fields. Two‐way ANOVA P = 0.0206 (F), P = 0.0368 (G); Sidak's multiple comparison test, *P < 0.05. n = 3 experiments.
HphosphoERK1/2 and phosphoAkt immunostaining (green) of iECs from FVB WT and Vegfr2 Y1212F/Y1212F lungs. Hoechst 33342 (blue) shows nuclei. Arrows indicate nuclear accumulation of phosphoERK1/2 and phosphoAkt, respectively. Scale bar, 20 μm.
INuclear accumulation expressed as phosphoERK1/2‐positive nuclear area normalized to the total phosphoERK1/2 area by field. Each dot represents 1 field. Min, minutes of stimulation. Two‐way ANOVA P = 0.0248; Sidak's multiple comparison test, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. n = 3 experiments.
JNuclear accumulation expressed as fold increase of nuclear phosphoAkt area in Vegfr2 Y1212F/Y1212F over PBS‐treated WT iECs, normalized to the number of nuclei. Each dot represents 1 field. Min, minutes of stimulation. Unpaired t‐test, *P < 0.05. n = 3 experiments.
KImmunoblot for phosphoERK1/2, total ERK1/2, phosphoAkt, and total Akt on lung lysates from WT and Vegfr2 Y1212F/Y1212F FVB mice tail‐vein‐injected with PBS or VEGFA followed by circulation for time points indicated. Each lane represents one individual mouse.
LQuantification of phosphoERK1/2/total ERK1/2 expressed as fold change to PBS. Min, minutes of stimulation. Error bars: SD; 2‐way ANOVA P = 0.0025; unpaired t‐test, *P < 0.05. n = 3 experiments.
MQuantification of phosphoAkt/total Akt expressed as fold change to PBS. Min, minutes of stimulation. Error bars: SD; 2‐way ANOVA P = 0.0003; unpaired t‐test, *P < 0.05. n = 3 experiments.
Source data are available online for this figure.