Inactivation of ccpA and Pta-AckA pathway decreases production of acetate and consequent acidification of the culture medium. (A) Acetate production rates of the UAMS-1 wild-type strain and ccpA, ackA, pta, ackA ccpA, and pta ccpA mutants determined after 6 h of growth on TSB supplemented with 35 mM glucose. (B) pH values of the culture medium of the UAMS-1 wild-type strain and ccpA, ackA, pta, ackA ccpA, and pta ccpA mutants determined after 6 h of growth on TSB supplemented with 35 mM glucose. Statistical significance between the wild‐type strain and the mutants (*) was determined by Student's t test (P ≤ 0.01).