Figure 2.
Network analysis of diagnosis patterns and prescribed acupoints. A diagnosis pattern -acupoint network was generated featuring nodes (acupoints) and edges (pairs of correlated acupoints). R42 (vertigo), U30 (diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue), U60 (qi deficiency), U61 (blood disorder), U62 (qi-blood-yin-yang deficiency), U63 (pattern of fluid and humour), U65 (liver excess), U66 (heart deficiency), U67 (heart excess pattern), U68 (spleen disease), U71 (kidney disease), and U73 (stomach disease) were included. Red and grey nodes represent diseases and acupoints, respectively. Nodes with higher eigenvector centrality are located in the centre of the network. The thickness of the edge is proportional to the frequency of correlations between linked nodes.