Figure 1.
BioMark™ dynamic array system specificity test (96.96 chip). Specificity of primers/probe sets from the Table S1 are presented in two figures, (A,B). Fifty-one sets of primers/probe targeting viruses are presented in (A) and 94 sets in (B), some of them are present into both figures. Each square corresponds to a single real-time PCR reaction, where rows indicate the pathogen in the positive control and columns represent the targets of each primer/probe set. Ct values for each reaction are indicated in color; the corresponding color scale is presented in the legend on the right. The darkest shade of blue and black squares are considered as negative reactions with Ct > 30. chik: Chikungunya; deng: Dengue; EnM: Murray Encephalitis; St Louis Enc: Saint Louis Encephalitis; EEE: Eastern Equine Encephalitis; WEE: Western Equine Encephalitis; VEE: Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis; JE: Japanese Encephalitis; YF: Yellow fever; Kok: Kokobera group; Maya: Mayaro; ONN: O’nyong nyong; RVF: Rift Valley Fever; Seml: Semliki forest; Spond: Spondweni; Tahy: Tahyna; WN: West Nile; Wess: Wesselsbron; Kout: Koutango; Guama: Guama Group; Calif Enc: California Encephalitis; GpC: C Group; Key: Keystone; Snow: Snowshoe hare.