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. 2019 Oct 15;24(20):3710. doi: 10.3390/molecules24203710

Table 3.

Antioxidant activity of chokeberry fruits and products.

Product Experimental model Method Result Reference
Chokeberry juices from different growing seasons Chokeberries (200 g) were mixed in a house blender. Juice was separated from the mash by subsequent
pressing, bottled and stored at 4 °C.
[mmol TE/l]
juice2012 14.6, juice2013 13.4, juice2014 12.9 Tolić et al. [5]
[mmol Fe2+/l]
juice2013 179.5, juice2012 166.7, juice2014 128.2
Chokeberry products Powdered fruits and pomace (2 g) were extracted with 50 mL of MeOH acidified with 2.0% formic acid. The extraction was performed twice by incubation for 20 min under sonication. Next, the slurry was centrifuged and the supernatant was filtered. ABTS
[mmol TE/100 g DM]
powder from dried fruit 81.66, powder from pomace of uncrushed fruit 81.63, powder from pomace of crushed fruit 59.94, juice from crushed fruit 32.73, juice from uncrushed fruit 20.11 Oszmiański and Lachowicz [33]
[mmol TE/100 g DM]
powder from dried fruit 53.78, powder from pomace of uncrushed fruit 52.22, powder from pomace of crushed fruit 32.61, juice from crushed fruit 20.20, juice from uncrushed fruit 9.81
Dried chokeberry fruits by freeze drying (FD), vacuum-microwave drying (VMD), vacuum drying (VD), convection drying (CD), convection-vacuum-microwave drying (CVM) Chokeberry powder (5 g) was weighed into a test tube, 25 mL of 80% MeOH with 1% HCl was added, and the suspension was stirred slightly. Tubes were sonicated for 15 min twice and left at 4 °C for 24 h. Afterward, the extract was centrifuged and supernatants were collected. ABTS
[mmol TE/100 g DM]
fresh 234.9, FD 114.7, CVM2h+360/240 83.0, CVM6h+360/120 82.7, CVM6h+360/240 80.5, VMD120W 78.4, CVM2h+360/120 77.9, VMD240W 77.2, VMD480/120W 76.3, VMD480/240W 76.2, VMD360/240W 75.9, VD 75.3, CD70 °C 75.0, VMD240/120W 73.2, VMD360/120W 72.3, CD60 °C 52.4, CD50 °C 41.9 Samoticha et al. [58]
[mmol TE/100 g DM]
Fresh 39.0, FD 26.3, CVM2h+360/240 23.8, CVM6h+360/240 22.1, CVM6h+360/120 21.5, VMD360/240W 20.7, VMD480/240W 19.7, VD 19.5, CVM2h+360/120 19.3, VMD480/120W 19.3, VMD240W 19.1, VMD120W 18.5, VMD240/120W 17.8g, CD70 °C 17.7, VMD360/120W 17.5, CD60 °C 16.1, CD50 °C 15.4
Commercial chokeberry juices Not specified. ABTS
[mmol TE/1]
20.39–91.21 Sosnowska et al. [40]
[mmol TE/1]
[mmol TE/1]
Fruit extracts Freeze-dried fruits were disintegrated with mill and were triplicate extracted with 70% EtOH. Samples were dried, then dissolved in distilled water and percolated through an Amberlite XAD4 column to adsorb polyphenols. Polyphenols were obtained after washing the column with 70% ethanol. The collected fraction was evaporated in a vacuum evaporator until dry mass. phosphatidylcholine (PC) liposome oxidation inhibition [IC50 μg/mL] chokeberry 24.6, blackcurrant 30.9, rosehip 33.5, hawthorn 45.9 Strugała et al. [113]
Dried pomaces Dried, milled and sieved fruits pomace (6–10 g) were extracted in two steps with 100 mL of eluent (50 + 50) deionized H2O (temp. 100 °C) and left for 5 min. Mixture was shaken for 15 min and then filtered through a 45 μm filter. The extracts were collected and evaporated on a rotary evaporator at 40 °C. DPPH
blackcurrant 68.2, chokeberry 67.0, apple 47.3, strawberry 39.3, carrot 37.7 Pieszka et al. [16]
[μg TE/g]
chokeberry 179, apple 96, black currant 82, strawberry 61, carrot 50
Selected edible fruits and their leaves Fruits (0.5 g) and leaves (0.2 g) were freeze dried and extracted by 10 mL of mixture containing MeOH (30 mL/100 mL), ascorbic acid (2.0 g/100 mL) and acetic acid (1.0 mL/100 mL) of reagent. The extracts were sonicated for 15 min, left for 24 h at 4 °C in darkness, sonicated again for 15 min and centrifuged. ABTS
[mM TE/100 g DM]
quinceleaves 116.49, cranberryleaves 96.02, bilberryleaves 79.30, Japanese quinceleaves 60.30, chokeberryfruits 52.31, chokeberryleaves 50.01, appleleaves 35.94, bilberryfruits 35.34, blackcurrantleaves 32.91, Japanese quincefruits 32.88, blackcurrantfruits 22.47, cranberryfruits 14.61, applefruits 8.72, quincefruits7.85 Teleszko and Wojdyło [54]
[mM TE/100 g DM]
quinceleaves 65.25, bilberryleaves 59.58, cranberryleaves 43.17, chokeberryleaves 40.55, Japanese quinceleaves 40.09, chokeberryfruits 36.64, bilberryfruits 26.81, Japanese quincefruits 19.51, blackcurrantleaves 19.16, appleleaves 15.30, blackcurrantfruits 11.82, cranberryfruits 8.40, quincefruits 5.43, applefruits 3.44
Chokeberry products: (juices (J), powders (P), capsules (C), fruit teas (FT), dried berries (DB)) Samples (6 g) were mixed with 20 mL of MeOH/2% HCl (95:5 v/v). After 60 min the solution was filtered under vacuum in a 50 mL. Extraction of the residue was repeated using the same conditions. The filtrates were combined and adjusted to 50 mL with MeOH/2% HCl (95:5 v/v). DPPH
[mmol TE/l juice or mmol TE/100 g DM powder, capsules, fruit teas, dried berries]
DB2 191.31, DB1 183.52, FT3 163.33, FT4 153.96, FT1 149.44, P3 131.06, FT2 111.43, P2 105.68, P1 95.00, C2 80.93, C1 58.49, J10 40.19, J8 34.22, J1 33.37, J11 28.12, J9 26.25, J2 23.03, J6 20.66, J4 19.47, J5 18.29, J7 16.51, J2 12.09 Tolić et al. [34]
[mmol of Fe2+/l juice or mmol of Fe2+/100 g DM powder, capsules, fruit teas, dried berries]
J6 79.86, J1 76.14, J4 72.43, J8 71.50, P2 68.60, C1 65.82, J10 62.92, P1 60.66, C2 60.35, J11 60.13, J2 51.50, J2 48.76, J5 48.64, P3 47.38, FT2 43.12, J7 38.98, J9 38.71, FT1 32.74, DB1 21.51, DB2 17.40, FT4 15.94, FT3 13.50
Different fruits extracts Powdered, freeze dried fruits (5 g) were extracted with 100 mL 80% acetone in 0.2% formic acid at room temperature for 1 h. After that, the samples were centrifuged and concentrated via rotary evaporation to a volume of 15 mL in order to fully remove the acetone. Then the volume was adjusted to 50 mL with ultra clean H2O and the extracts were centrifuged. ORAC
[μmol TE/l]
rosehip 93677.6; hawthorn 73804.6; blueberry 72487.2; chokeberry 55505.7; blackcurrant 46421.7; rowanberry 23689.6 Denev et al. [122]
[μmol TE/l]
rosehip 87109.4; hawthorn 51125.1; blueberry 43433.6; chokeberry 43217.1; rowanberry 34612.0; blackcurrant 33510.6
[μmol GAE/L]
rosehip 76069.4; hawthorn 31328.5; blueberry 26339.0; chokeberry 22506.0; blackcurrant 20019.3; rowanberry 15373.4
Lipid peroxidation
[% of control]
blackcurrant> rowanberry> blueberry > chokeberry > rosehip > hawthorn

autoxidation of linoleic acid was effectively inhibited by blueberry, rowanberry and blackcurrant extracts at the end of the first day of storage.
The inhibition of hydroperoxide formation by these fruits and, in addition by chokeberry, was observed also after the third day of linoleic acid autoxidation (less than 50% of control). Finally, hydroperoxide formation was inhibited to more than 50% of the control value by all extracts analysed after 6 days of linoleic acid autoxidation. Extract from blueberry was the most effective as it diminished the hydroperoxides to 8% of control value.
Dried (D) and candied (C) fruits Dried and homogenized whole edible parts of fruits (15 g) were dispersed in 20 mL of 62.5% aqueous methanol containing 2 g/L of TBHQ. To this extract 5 mL of 6M HCl was added, the hydrolysis was carried out in a shaking water bath at 85 °C for 2 h. Then the sample was filtered, made up to 50 mL with methanol, and sonicated (5 min.). ABTS
[mmol/100 g DM]
chokeberriesD 21.378, bilberriesD 17.996, cherriesC 3.038, plumsD 2.913, grapes (amber light) D 2.188, apricotsD 1.377, cranberriesC 0.835, grapes (amber dark)D 0.648, datesC 0.621f, figsD 0.388 Miletić et al. [99]
[μmol/100 g DM]
bilberriesD 2130.23, chokeberriesD 1815.08, plumsD 503.65, datesC 388.98, apricotsD 317.56, grapes (amber light) D 264.56, cherriesC 254.64, grapes (amber dark) D 152.53, cranberriesC 139.80, figsD 129.55
Wild and cultivated small fruits Frozen fruits (6 g) were homogenized and mixed with 10 mL of ethyl acetate. The procedure was repeated four times. Extract (20 mL) was evaporated to dryness and the residue was dissolved in 4 mL of MeOH. DPPH
[μmol TE/mg DM]
blackberry 0.2125, chokeberry 0.1065, cherry 0.1030, blackthorn 0.0785, raspberry 0.0725 Mitic et al. [123]
[μmol TE/mg DM]
blackberry 0.3616, cherry 0.2552, chokeberry 0.1808, blackthorn 0.1704, raspberry 0.1576
total reducing power
[μmol AAE/mg DM]
blackberry 0.1920, cherry 0.1720, aronia 0.1540, blackthorn 0.1440, raspberry 0.1180
[μmol Fe/mg DM]
blackberry 1.0900, aronia 0.6120, cherry 0.5660, blackthorn 0.4100, raspberry 0.3780
Different fruits Fruits (20 g) were extracted with 70% acetone (200 mL) at room temperature for 60 min with stirring. After centrifugation, and filtration, the supernatants were concentrated by vacuum rotary evaporator. The aqueous phase was diluted to 25 mL with H2O. ABTS
[μmol TE/g]
chokeberry 124.66, bilberry 54.17, blue honeysuckle 51.54, blackcurrant 35.75, lingonberry 34.82, blackberry 28.91, blueberry 27.09, red gooseberry 24.39, red currant 23.45, cranberry 20.43, raspberry 20.36, green gooseberry 18.56, strawberry 16.56, pomegranate 14.02, sour cherry 10.70, grape pink 10.38, apple 8.77, sweet cherry 6.00, orange 4.80, pineapple 4.02, red grapefruit 3.69, mandarine 3.54, pomelo 3.25, plum ‘Węgierka Zwykła’ 2.03, kiwi 1.97, banana 1.83, pear ‘Nashi’ 1.65, peach 1.59, pear ‘Lukasówka’ 1.46, plum ‘Renkloda’ 0.84 Podsędek et al. [124]
[μmol TE/g]
chokeberry 94.24, blue honeysuckle 49.52, bilberry 41.70, blackcurrant 29.93, blackberry 23.36, lingonberry 22.28, red gooseberry 16.99, blueberry 16.86, raspberry 16.81, red currant 16.68, cranberry 12.74, green gooseberry 12.28, strawberry 9.95, sour cherry 9.12, pomegranate 7.62, grape pink 6.10, apple 4.98, sweet cherry 4.34, pineapple 4.01, orange 3.50, red grapefruit 3.08, pomelo 2.22, mandarine 1.66, plum ‘Węgierka Zwykła’ 1.49, kiwi 1.46, banana 1.15, pear ‘Lukasówka’ 0.81, peach 0.79, pear ‘Nashi’ 0.76, plum ‘Renkloda’ 0.66
Commercially available Aronia melanocarpa tea infusions (TI) Tea sample (2 g) were infused with 200 mL deionized H2O heated to 95 °C for 10 min. The solutions were filtered and washed with deionized H2O, cooled to room temperature and diluted to 250 mL with deionized H2O. DPPH
[mmol TE/g]
TI2 0.074, TI3 0.068, TI1 0.067, TI5 0.058, TI4 0.055 Veljković et al. [108]
[mmol TE/g]
TI2 2.744, TI3 2.731, TI1 2.715, TI5 0.089, TI4 0.076
[mmol Fe/g]
TI4 0.153, TI1 0.147, TI3 0.147, TI5 0.144, TI2 0.136
reducing power
[mmol AAE/g]
TI4 3.48, TI5 2.14, TI1 1.36, TI3 0.88, TI2 0.53
Different fruits Homogenized fruits (2 g) were mixed with 20 mL of 0.2% formic acid in 80% acetone solution. Extraction was conducted at room temperature for 1 h. After that, the samples were centrifuged and supernatants were removed. The solid residues were subjected to the second extraction under the same conditions. Both supernatants were combined. ORAC
[μmol TE/g FW]
elderberry 205.4, brier 201.1, chokeberry 160.8, hawthorn 153.6, blueberry 98.8, blackcurrant 96.0, rowanberry 80.9, blackthorn 79.1, blackberry 74.2, cranberry 70.0, sour cherry 58.6, cornel cherry 49.0, strawberry 47.2, raspberry 38.9, red grapes 26.8, cherry 25.8, pomegranate 19.7, apple 13.8, fig 13.6, plum 10.8, apricot 7.2, white grapes 6.3, peach 6.2, pumpkin 4.9, watermelon 3.8, honeydew melon 2.3 Denev et al. [50]
Black chokeberry (Aronia melanocarpa) powders from commercial pure clack chokeberry juice (Rabenhorst, Germany), obtained by different drying processes: freeze drying (FD), spray drying (SD), oven vacuum drying (OV) Juice (5 l) was centrifuged (15 min, 5950× g). The supernatant was loaded into XAD-16 column, sugars were removed by H2O, phenolic compounds were removed by EtOH. The remaining solvent was evaporated at 40 °C up to the final volume of aqueous extract 2 l. Extracts was subjected to different drying processes. Dry powders was resolubilized with 5 mL of 20% MeOH (v/v) by 60 sec sonication followed 60 sec of vortexing. The procedure was repeated (3 ×). In case of PCL assay extraction of the hydrophilic antioxidants required about 10 mg of the powders followed by the addition of 10 mL of deionized H2O treated in an ultrasonic bath for 2 min, vortexed for 1 min (3 ×) and centrifuged. The same procedure was applied to extraction of lipophilic compounds with MeOH. All extracts obtained were filtered (0.45μm PTFE filter). ABTS
[μmol TE/100 mg DM]
SD 251.34, FD 180.45, OV40 °C 175.85, OV60 °C 165.47, OV80 °C 158.08 Horszwald et al. [88]
[μmol TE/100 mg DM]
SD 26.49, FD 24.68, OV40 °C 22.81, OV60 °C 20.20, OV80 °C 15.80
[μmol TE/100 mg DM]
SD 248.56, FD 193.69, OV60 °C 179.91, OV80 °C 171.38, OV40 °C 165.27
[μmol TE/100 mg DM]
OV40 °C 291.94, OV60 °C 289.79, FD 282.34, SD 279.33, OV80 °C 238.72
[μmol TE/100 mg DM]
FD 476.15, OV40 °C 447.06, OV60 °C 436.79, OV80 °C 427.36, SD 411.73
Black chokeberry fruits and products Sample (2 g) was extracted in a cooled ultrasonic bath for 15 min using 5 mL of 75% MeOH containing 0.1% (v/v) formic acid. Samples were then centrifuged for 10 min at 83 Hz and the supernatant was collected. This procedure was repeated four times until the total volume reached 20 mL. ABTS
[g TE/kg FW]
dried fruit1 74.0, dried fruit2 54.4, pomace 49.6 concentrate 22.0, fruit 11.0, juice2 10.8, juice3 10.8, juice1 9.8, jam2 9.8, compote 9.4, jam1 9.0, syrup 3.7, sour cherry-chokeberry syrup 2.0, raspberry-chokeberry syrup 1.2 Kapci et al. [7]
[g TE/kg FW]
dried fruit1 36.3, dried fruit2 30.5, pomace 25.2, fruit 11.3, concentrate 10.8, jam2 8.7, juice2 6.2, juice3 5.8, juice1 5.7, jam1 5.0, compote 4.8, syrup 2.2, sour cherry-chokeberry syrup 2.0, raspberry-chokeberry syrup 0.7
[g TE/kg FW]
dried fruit1 257.2, dried fruit2 233.2, pomace 192.4, concentrate 74.5, fruit 67.7, jam2 57.4, juice2 35.1, juice1 33.8, jam1 33.6, compote 33.2, juice3 30.7, syrup 13.4, sour cherry-chokeberry syrup 5.2, raspberry-chokeberry syrup 3.0
Berry fruit ethanol extracts Not specified. ABTS
[µM TE/g FW]
blackcurrant ‘Titania’ 56.8, chokeberry ‘Nero’ 53.2, blackberry ‘Polar’ 51.7, raspberry ‘Polana’ 28.5, highbush blueberry ‘Bluecrop’ 27.3, red chokeberry ‘Brilliant’ 23.8, red currant ‘Heros’ 22.1, white currants ‘Blanca’ 7.4 Najda and Łabuda [73]
[µM TE/g FW]
chokeberry ‘Nero’ 199.4, blackcurrant ‘Titania’138.90, blackberry ‘Polar’ 129.3, red chokeberry ‘Brilliant’ 63.2, raspberry ‘Polana’ 59.4, red currant ‘Heros’ 48.3, highbush blueberry ‘Bluecrop’ 40.4, white currants ‘Blanca’ 19.4
[µM Fe/g FW]
chokeberry ‘Nero’ 112.5, blackcurrant ‘Titania’ 108.4, blackberry ‘Polar’ 97.1, highbush blueberry ‘Bluecrop’ 34.5, red chokeberry ‘Brilliant’ 34.1, red currant ‘Heros’ 31.7, raspberry ‘Polana’ 27.5, white currants ‘Blanca’ 12.3
Berry extracts: aqueous (W), 100% acetone (Ac) and 100% hexane (He) Lyophilized berries were extracted with water, 100% of acetone and 100% of hexane (concentration 25 mg/mL) at room temperature twice during 3 h. ABTS
[μM TE/g]
murtilla non-ripe 620.7, murtilla ripe 446.6, blueberries Poland 254.8, chokeberry 219.3, murteola ripe 200.6, blueberries Chile 197.7, murteola non-ripe 144.4, raspberries 82.5, murtilla non-ripe 56.42, murtilla ripe 29.89, blueberries Poland 26.59, murteola non-ripe 19.79, chokeberry 15.14, murteola ripe 10.08, blueberries Chile 9.79, raspberries 7.61, raspberries 3.25, chokeberry 2.80, murtilla non-ripe 2.30, murteola non-ripe 1.54, blueberries Chile 1.11, murtilla ripe 1.10, blueberries Poland 0.98, murteola ripe 0.60 Arancibia-Avila et al. [125]
[μM TE/g]
murtilla non-ripe 334.7, murtilla ripe 208.9, murteola ripe 102.4, blueberries Chile 94.5, chokeberry 87.2, blueberries Poland 75.1, murteola non-ripe 64.6, raspberries 27.7, murtilla non-ripe 23.76, murtilla ripe 16.43, blueberries Poland 15.01, murteola non-ripe 9.32, murteola ripe 4.00, chokeberry 3.55, raspberries 3.29, blueberries Chile 3.01, raspberries 2.14, chokeberry 1.19, murtilla non-ripe 1.15, murteola non-ripe 0.98, blueberries Poland 0.44, blueberries Chile 0.37, murtilla ripe 0.35, murteola ripe 0.18
[μM TE/g]
murtilla non-ripe 327.3, murtilla ripe 208.9, blueberries Poland 177.3, murteola ripe 76.0, blueberries Chile 73.3, chokeberry 57.4, murteola non-ripe 43.0, murtilla non-ripe 41.46, raspberries 27.7, murtilla ripe 20.87, blueberries Poland 11.59, murteola non-ripe 8.38, blueberries Chile 5.59, murteola ripe 2.94, chokeberry 2.84, raspberries 2.80, raspberries 1.99, chokeberry 0.89, murtilla non-ripe 0.89, blueberries Chile 0.58, murteola non-ripe 0.52, blueberries Poland 0.31, murtilla ripe 0.30, murteola ripe 0.16
[μM TE/g]
murtilla non-ripe 600.5, murtilla ripe 428.5, blueberries Poland 250.9, chokeberry 212.9, blueberries Chile 154.0, murteola ripe 116.8, murteola non-ripe 82.9, murtilla non-ripe 38.79, blueberries Poland 33.27, raspberries 30.4, murtilla ripe 28.65, murteola non-ripe 14.11, blueberries Chile 13.45, murteola ripe 7.72, chokeberry 7.16, raspberries 6.09, raspberries 4.56, murtilla non-ripe 3.18, chokeberry 3.12, murteola non-ripe 2.86, blueberries Poland 2.78, blueberries Chile 2.68, murtilla ripe 0.77, murteola ripe 0.12
Different fruits Fruits were extracted with H2O containing 200 ppm of SO2 (ratio of solvent to fruits 3:10). Then the extract was adsorbed on Purolite AP 400 resin for further purification. The polyphenols were then eluted out with 80% EtOH, concentrated and freeze dried. ABTS
[µmol TE/mg DM]
apple 5.65, strawberry 4.80, chokeberry 4.15 Bonarska-Kujawa et al. [70]
Linoleic acid oxidation
[antioxidant activity index min/(µg DM/mL)]
apple 47.1, chokeberry 44.4, strawberry 43.1
Erythrocyte membranes UV oxidation
[I50 mg/mL DM]
Trolox 0.0146, apple 0.0286, chokeberry 0.0520, strawberry 0.0529
Erythrocyte membranes AAPH oxidation [I50 mg/mL DM] Trolox 0.00390, apple 0.00794, chokeberry 0.00955, strawberry 0.02423
Wild chokeberry and cultivars Homogenized berries (15 g) were extracted (3 × 15mL) in the EtOH solution containing 1% hydrochloric acid. Combined extracts were shaken for 30 min and left to stand 24 h. Than the extracts were evaporated using a rotary evaporator. DPPH
[EC50 g fruit/g DPPH]
wild 0.46, ‘Nero’ 0.91, ‘Viking’ 0.94, ‘Galicianka’ 2.46 Jakobek et al. [2]
Fruit juices Fresh juice (1 mL) was diluted up to the volume of 25 mL. Part of solution was centrifuged at 15,000 rpm for 20 min at 4 °C. Supernatant solution was used for analysis. Additionally, non-centrifuged juices were analysed. ORAC
[μmol TE/100 mL]
non-centrifuged samples: black chokeberry 1086.60, blackcurrant 500.80, red currant 422.60, apple 389.40, cranberry 379.70, pomegranate 340.50, blueberry 297.80, lime 285.10, lemon 223.10, grapefruit 105.04, aloe vera 81.35, red orange 71.72, black grapes 58.60, kumquat 38.16, white grapes 30.82
Centrifuged samples: blackcurrant 1271.80, black chokeberry 666.60, red currant 540.50, cranberry 336.60, blueberry 206.80, grapefruit 200.30, apple 196.40, pomegranate 151.40, kumquat 133.50, lemon 125.90, lime 111.90, black grapes 94.30, red orange 35.68, white grapes 31.10, aloe vera 27.07
Keskin-Šašić et al. [126]
Different berry extracts Lyophilized berries were extracted with MeOH (concentration 25 mg/mL) at room temperature twice during 3 h. ABTS
[μM TE/g]
murtilla non-ripe 878.18, murtilla ripe 405.76, blueberries Poland 265.92, murtilla-like berries non-ripe 244.22, chokeberry 152.63, blueberries Chile 150.45, raspberries 80.04, murtilla-like berries ripe 65.35 Arancibia-Avila et al. [89]
[μM TE/g]
murtilla non-ripe 486.92, murtilla ripe 204.21, blueberries Poland 149.04, chokeberry 100.81, murtilla-like berries non-ripe 81.32, blueberries Chile 67.12, murtilla-like berries ripe 34.12, raspberries 33.98
[μM TE/g]
murtilla non-ripe 1012.42, murtilla ripe 507.89, blueberries Poland 265.76, chokeberry 215.85, murtilla-like berries non-ripe 203.83, blueberries Chile 141.36, murtilla-like berries ripe 92.36, raspberries 69.91
Fruit and vegetable snacks extracts (chips and puffings) Chips and puffings (100 g) were freeze dried, minced and macerated with 80% EtOH (500 mL) for 24 h at room temperature (repeated 3 times). Collected extracts were filtered, centrifuged, then the EtOH was evaporated. Powdered extracts were kept frozen until further use (−18 °C). ABTS
[mg TE/g DM extract]
chokeberrypuffing 37.44, blackcurrantpuffing 18.61, strawberrypuffing 16.16, apple-bananachips 13.16, applechips 11.76, apple-blackcurrantchips 10.74, apple-orangechips 10.59, carrotpuffing 2.23 Gramza-Michałowska and Człapka-Matyasik [127]
[EC50 mg/mL]
chokeberrypuffing 20.11, blackcurrantpuffing 38.92, strawberrypuffing 46.28, apple-bananachips 55.62, applechips 64.79, apple-orangechips 69.95, apple-blackcurrantchips 71.92, carrotpuffing 437.12
[mg TE/g DM extract]
chokeberrypuffing 6.82, strawberrypuffing 6.40, apple-orangechips 5.38, apple-blackcurrantchips 5.31, apple-bananachips 5.29, blackcurrantpuffing 5.28, applechips 5.02, carrotpuffing 3.47
[EC50 mg/ml]
chokeberrypuffing 10.04, strawberrypuffing 11.23, apple-orangechips 12.67, blackcurrantpuffing 12.71, apple-bananachips 13.11, apple-blackcurrantchips 14.28, applechips 14.72, carrotpuffing 23.19
Berry fruits Homogenized fruits (50 g) were mixed with 150 mL 1% citric acid in H2O and extracted on an orbital shaker at 60ºC for 1 h. ORAC
[μmol TE/g DM extract]
elderberry 5783, blueberry 5646, chokeberry 5165, blackberry 4042, blackcurrant 3949 Denev et al. [36]
[μmol TE/g DM extract]
chokeberry 4051, elderberry 3230, blueberry 2860, blackberry 2771, blackcurrant 2132
[μmol GAE/g DM extract]
blueberry 1293, chokeberry 1265, elderberry 1264, blackcurrant 874, blackberry 834
[inhibition of induced lipid peroxidation] [nmol/mL]
Chokeberry > elderberry > blackcurrant > blueberry > blackberry > control
NO scavenging activity time [sec] blueberry 183, chokeberry 215, blackcurrant 280, elderberry 290, blackberry 363, control 947
Fruit products: purees, concentrates, juices Puree (1.5 g) was mixed with 5 mL H2O, and vortexed for 1 min. Afterwards, the solution was centrifuged at 3800 g for 5 min. The supernatants were collected in 20 mL volumetric flasks (procedure was repeated 3 times). After the last extraction, the flasks were filled up to the mark and aliquots of 1.5 mL were centrifuged. FRAP
[mmol Fe2+/100 g]
acerola 17.23, chokeberry 9.79, elderberry 9.33, boysenberry 5.90, blackcurrant 5.24, blackberry 4.53, açai-lime 4.09, lingonberry 3.90, strawberry 2.93, grape 2.91, cranberry 2.28, pomegranate 1.66, apple 1.33, orange 0.48 Müller et al. [128]
[mmol TE/100 g]
acerola 10.57, chokeberry 9.73, elderberry 9.66, grape 5.92, blackcurrant 5.50, boysenberry 4.38, açai-lime 4.00, lingonberry 3.94, blackberry 3.08, cranberry 2.21, strawberry 2.08, pomegranate 1.75, apple 1.10, orange 0.40
[mmol TE/100 g]
chokeberry 11.45, elderberry 10.27, acerola 9.42, açai-lime 7.68, blackcurrant 6.99, boysenberry 5.31, strawberry 3.83, lingonberry 3.74, grape 3.49, blackberry 3.44, cranberry 2.57, pomegranate 2.50, apple 1.66, orange 1.07
Chokeberry fruits- different cultivars Fresh samples (10 g) were homogenized for 10 s in 100 mL of MeOH. The resulting paste was placed into Erlenmeyer flasks (120 mL) for 24 h at 25 °C, and the residue was then extracted with two additional portions of MeOH. The combined MeOH extracts were evaporated at 40 °C and redissolved in MeOH at a concentration of 100 mg/mL. DPPH
[g AAE/kg]
‘Viking’ 15.96, ‘Nero’ 15.32, ‘Hugin’ 11.15, ‘Aron’ 9.02, ‘Fertödi’ 8.89 Rop et al. [3]
hydroxyl radical (OH) scavenging activity
[% inhibition]
‘Viking’ 34.15, ‘Nero’ 33.51, ‘Hugin’ 31.12, ‘Aron’ 25.01, ‘Fertödi’ 22.08
nitric oxide (NO) scavenging activity
[% inhibition]
‘Viking’ 41.46, ‘Nero’ 37.30, ‘Hugin’ 33.10, ‘Aron’ 28.42, ‘Fertödi’ 27.59
superoxide anion (O2•−) scavenging activity
[% inhibition]
‘Viking’ 36.92, ‘Nero’ 35.96, ‘Hugin’ 30.48, ‘Aron’ 22.22, ‘Fertödi’ 21.24
lipid peroxidation (TBARS)
[inhibition activity%]
‘Viking’ 19.81, ‘Nero’ 19.22, ‘Hugin’ 16.19, ‘Aron’ 12.57, ‘Fertödi’ 12.05
Berry fruits Ground berries (5 g) with 25 mL of MeOH at ambient temperature for 2 h with constant shaking. The solution was filtered, and the residue was repeatedly extracted with 20 mL of MeOH for 2 h. Finally, extracts were combined. DPPH
chokeberry var. ‘cleata’≥ chokeberry ‘Viking’≥ chokeberry ‘Aron’ > raspberry ‘Bristol’> raspberry ‘Meeker’> elderberry ‘Lacimiata’> raspberry ‘Poranna Rosa’> elderberry ‘Aurea’ Viskelis et al. [129]
Different berries Berries (20 g) were grinded in MeOH (20 mL) acidified with HCl (0.1%). After 60 min the solution was filtered. The residue was extracted again, and the extracts were combined and diluted to volume of 50 mL with MeOH acidified with HCl (0.1%). DPPH
[inhibition %]
chokeberry > blackberry> red raspberry> strawberry Jakobek et al. [74]
Fruit juices Fruits (500 g) were thawed at room temperature, then processed in juice extractor natural fruit juice was centrifuged. DPPH
[μmol TE/mL]
chokeberry 72.44, elderberry 62.14, blackcurrant 30.15, sour cherry 12.52, blackberry 8.75, red raspberry 8.20, strawberry 4.39, sweet cherry 4.07 Jakobek et al. [74]
Fruit pomaces The pomace was thawed and dried in the air dryer (50 °C, 2 h) before the analysis. Subsequently dried pomaces were ground and subjected to extraction in 80% EtOH. ABTS
[µM TE/g DM]
honeysuckle 62.24, blackcurrant 56.88, chokeberry 53.2, strawberry 23.32, Japanese quince 13.97 Nawirska et al. [119]
[µM TE/g DM]
chokeberry 199.4, blackcurrant 138.81, honeysuckle 65.27, strawberry 58.67, Japanese quince 18.21
[µM Fe3+/g DM]
chokeberry 12.53, honeysuckle 11.13, Japanese quince 6.12, blackcurrant 5.24, strawberry 2.75
Black chokeberry fruits, juice and pomace Freeze-dried sample (1 g) was homogenized in 20 mL of MeOH. The slurry was filtered and filtrate was diluted in MeOH. ABTS
[μM TE/100 g DM]
pomace 779.58, fruits 439.49, juice 314.05 Oszmiański and Wojdyło [53]
[μM TE/100 g DM]
pomace 301.89, fruits 279.38, juice 127.45
Berry fruits 20 mL of MeOH/HCl 2% (95:5 v/v) were added to 20 g frozen berries. After 60 min, the berries were homogenized and centrifuged for 15 min at 3000 rpm. The supernatant solution was filtered under vacuum, and the residue was extracted again the same way. The solution was diluted to volume with MeOH/HCl 2%. DPPH
[EC50 mg fruit]
black currant ‘Tsema’ 1.0, black chokeberry ‘Nero’ 1.8, blackcurrant ‘Ben Lomond’ 1.8, blackcurrant ‘Silvergieters’ 2.5, blackcurrant ‘Burga’ 2.7, blackcurrant ‘Baldwin’ 2.9, blackcurrant ‘Tenah’ 3.4, blackcurrant ‘Noir De Bourgogne’ 3.6, blackcurrant ‘Black Down’ 4.2, redcurrant ‘Rotet’ 4.3, blackberry ‘Smoothstem’ 4.6, blackberry ‘Thornless Boy Sembes’ 5.2, raspberry ‘Sumner’ 5.5, blackberry ‘Black Diamond’ 5.7, blackberry ‘Darrow’ 5.7, red currant ‘Rosetta’ 5.7, red currant ’Red Lake’ 5.9, blackberry ‘Hull Thornless’ 6.2, blackberry ‘Chester’ 7.6, blackberry ‘Black Satin’ 9.5, raspberry ‘September’ 10.9 Benvenuti et al. [120]
Juice concentrates Not specified. ABTS
[mg TE/mL]
blackcurrant 104.3, chokeberry 103.2, elderberry 98.7, redcurrant 36.0, strawberry 30.0, raspberry 24.7, red grape 23.1, cherry 18.7, plum 8.8 Bermúdez-Soto and Tomás-Barberán [87]
[mg TE/mL]
chokeberry 60.0, blackcurrant 55.3, elderberry 43.3, redcurrant 23.1, strawberry 16.6, raspberry 13.4, red grape 10.4, cherry 10.0, plum 4.6
Berry fruits Sample (1 g) was mixed with 5 g of sea sand, transferred to a 22 mL extraction cell, and extracted with hexane/dichloromethane (1:1v/v) followed by acetone/water/acetic acid (70:29.5:0.5 v/v) extraction (ASE200). The extracts from hexane/dichloromethane were used to measure lipophilic ORACFL, acetone/water/acetic acid extracts were used to measure the hydrophilic ORACFL. L-ORAC
[μmol TE/g FW]
chokeberry 2.42, elderberry 1.97, red currant 1.27, blackcurrant ‘Titania’ 1.15, blackcurrant ‘Ben Alder’ 0.84, blackcurrant ‘Ben Nevis’ 0.75, blackcurrant ‘Ban Tirran’ 0.75, blackcurrant ‘Ben Lomond’ 0.68, blackcurrant ‘Ukarine’ 0.68, gooseberry ‘Marigold’ 0.45, gooseberry ‘Leveller’ 0.43, gooseberry ‘Careless’ 0.35, gooseberry ‘Dan’s Mistake’ 0.28, gooseberry ‘Whinham’ 0.15, gooseberry ‘Lancashine’ 0.15 Wu et al. [59]
[μmol TE/g FW]
chokeberry 158.2, elderberry 145.0, blackcurrant ‘Ben Alder’ 100.6, blackcurrant ‘Ben Lomond’ 92.3, blackcurrant ‘Ben Nevis’ 90.6, blackcurrant ‘Ban Tirran’ 86.6, blackcurrant ‘Ukarine’ 53.7, blackcurrant ‘Titania’ 49.0, gooseberry ‘Lancashine’ 41.3, gooseberry ‘Whinham’ 39.2, gooseberry ‘Dan’s Mistake’ 37.1, gooseberry ‘Marigold’ 33.7, red currant 32.6, gooseberry ‘Leveller’ 26.4, gooseberry ‘Careless’ 20.4
Berry fruits Berries (3–5 g) were extracted twice with 10 mL of 80% acetone containing 0.2% formic acid using a Polytron for 2 min and then centrifuged. The supernatants were combined. ORAC
[μmol TE/g FW]
chokeberry 160.2, lingonberry ‘Amberland’ 38.1, blueberry ‘Serra’ 28.9, cranberry ‘Ben Lear’ 18.5 Zheng and Wang [130]

AAE: ascorbic acid equivalents, ACL: antioxidant capacity of lipid soluble compounds, ACW: antioxidant capacity of water soluble compounds, CUPRAC: cupric reducing antioxidant capacity, DM: dry matter, EC50: half maximum effective concentration, EtOH: ethanol, FRAP: ferric reducing antioxidant power, FW: fresh weight, GAE: gallic acid equivalents, H-ORAC: hydroxyl radical averting capacity, I50: extract concentrations which cause 50% inhibition, MeOH: methanol, ORAC: oxygen radical absorbance capacity, PCL: photochemiluminescence, TE: Trolox equivalents, TRAP: total peroxyl radical trapping parameter.