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. 2019 Nov 6;39(45):8949–8968. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2858-18.2019

Table 6.

Summary of four-way ANOVA comparing associations between HC-SSRs and NC-GEsa

Source F (df) p Post hoc analysis (if any) and corresponding p value (Tukey's range test)
Main effect GE 64.7 (3,27) 1.87 × 10−12 TB versus SS TB versus DS TB versus US SS versus DS SS versus US DS versus US
2.119 × 10−7 3.828 × 10−9 3.777 × 10−9 0.0048 0.0001 NS
Stage 151.6 (1,27) 1.37 × 10−12 NA
AP 100.5 (1,27) 1.34 × 10−10 NA
ROI 12.5 (9,27) 1.55 × 10−7 LT CG OF PF PC MTO MOP IS LP LO
LO versus NS 7.149 × 10−7 0.0003 2.024 × 10−7 0.0014 0.0478 0.0004 0.0005 0.0034 NA
PF versus 7.566 × 10−7 NS 0.0541 NA 0.0153 0.0004 0.0514 0.0413 0.0064 2.024 × 10−7
Two-way interaction GE × stage 6.5 (3,27) 0.0018 TB versus SS TB versus DS TB versus US SS versus DS SS versus US DS versus US
N2 9.110 ± 10−5 6.217 × 10−8 6.005 × 10−8 0.0029 0.0001 NS
N3 0.0008 9.315 × 10−5 1.733 × 10−5 NS NS NS
GE × AP 9.0 (3,27) 0.0003 aHC versus pHC TB DS SS US
NS 0.0002 4.101 × 10−7 0.0001
GE × ROI 1.4 (27,27) 0.2098 NA
Stage × AP 6.6 (1,27) 0.0160 aHC versus pHC N2 N3
1.312 × 10−8 8.236 × 10−5
Stage × ROI 2.9 (9,27) 0.0160 N2 versus N3 LT CG OF PF PC MTO MOP IS LP LO
0.0051 NS 3.528 × 10−6 0.0060 0.0117 NS NS 0.0030 NS NS
AP × ROI 2.8 (9,27) 0.0187 aHC versus pHC LT CG OF PF PC MTO MOP IS LP LO
NS 0.0063 NS 0.0004 NS NS 0.0039 NS NS 1.0000
Three-way interaction GE × stage × AP 0.1 (3,27) 0.9321 NA
GE × stage × ROI 1.1 (27,27) 0.3676 NA
GE × AP × ROI 1.3 (27,27) 0.2497 NA
Stage × AP × ROI 1.8 (9,27) 0.1165 NA

aFor each HC-NC electrode pair and sleep stage (N2 vs N3), the significance of the NC-GE occurrence times relative to the HC-SS onset was determined (see Fig. 3A; Materials and Methods). We then tallied the proportion of significant channel pairs according to their HC location (aHC, pHC), NC location (see Extended Data Table 4-1; Fig. 5A), and GE type (TB, DS, SS, US). These proportions were then entered into ANOVA. LO, Lateral occipital; LT, lateral temporal; CG, cingulate; OF, orbitofrontal; PF, prefrontal; PC, paracentral; MTO, medial temporo-occipital; MOP, medial occipito-parietal; IS, insula; LP, lateral parietal; NS, not significant (for post hoc Tukey's range tests, p > 0.1).