Phenotypes of the ΔcrzA mutant. (A,B) Colony phenotypes of control (TTJ6.1), ΔcrzA (TDH1.1), and C’crzA (TTJ9.1) strains point-inoculated on solid glucose minimal medium with 0.1% yeast extract (MMYE) media and grown at 37 °C under dark (A) or light (B) condition for 5 days (Scale bars = 500 μm). Quantitative analysis of colony diameter (C) and the number of conidia per plate (D) of WT and velvet deletion mutant strains are shown in (A,B). Error bars indicates the standard errors from the mean of triplicates. (Control versus ΔcrzA strains, * p ≤ 0.05; *** p ≤ 0.001). (E) Conidia formation of control (TTJ6.1), ΔcrzA (TDH1.1), and C’crzA (TTJ9.1) strains was observed under a light microscope at 48 h after inoculation onto solid MMYE media at 37 °C. (Scale bars = 250 μm)