Survival of the Erdman strain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis treated with Pyrazinamide and Isoniazid in media. (A) M. tb growth in 7H11 agar media from non-vaccinated subjects with liposomal glutathione (L-GSH) treatment along with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) images of granuloma like structures from eight-day terminated samples; (B) M. tb growth in 7H11 agar media from Bacille Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccinated subjects with L-GSH treatment along with H&E images of granuloma-like structures from eight-day terminated samples; (C) M. tb growth in 7H11 agar media with pyrazinamide (PZA), 1/10 PZA, and 1/100 PZA treatment in the presence or absence of L-GSH in non-vaccinated subjects; (D) M. tb growth in 7H11 agar media with PZA, 1/10 PZA, and 1/100 PZA treatment in the presence or absence of L-GSH in BCG-vaccinated subjects. (E) M. tb growth in 7H11 agar media from non-vaccinated (white bar) and BCG-vaccinated (black bar) groups with sham treatment and L-GSH treatment; (F) M. tb growth in 7H11 agar media in non-vaccinated and BCG-vaccinated groups with PZA treatment. Data represents ± SE(standard error) rom experiments performed from 14 different subjects. An unpaired t-test with Welch corrections was used in Figure (A). Analysis of Figures B–F utilized a one-way ANOVA (analysis of variance) with Tukey test. The p value style consisted of 0.1234 as not significant, 0.0332 with one asterisk (*), 0.0021 with two asterisks (**), 0.0002 with three asterisks (***), and less than 0.0001 with four asterisks (****). A hash mark (#) indicates categories compared to control, and an asterisk indicates categories compared to the previous category directly before it. (G) M. tb growth in 7H11 agar media with isoniazid (INH), 1/10 INH, and 1/100 INH treatment in the presence or absence of L-GSH in non-vaccinated subject; (H) M. tb growth in 7H11 agar media with INH, 1/10 INH, and 1/100 INH treatment in the presence or absence of L-GSH in BCG-vaccinated subjects; (I)
M. tb growth in 7H11 agar media in non-vaccinated and BCG-vaccinated groups with INH treatment. Data represents ± SE from experiments performed from 14 different subjects. Analysis of figures utilized a one-way ANOVA with Tukey test. The p value style consisted of 0.1234 as not significant, 0.0332 with one asterisk (*), 0.0021 with two asterisks (**), 0.0002 with three asterisks (***), and less than 0.0001 with four asterisks (****). A hash mark (#) indicates categories compared to control, and an asterisk indicates categories compared to the previous category directly before it.