Figure 4.
LOD profiles and phenotypic effects of alleles at the markers with the highest LOD score from IMP models for interspecific variation in pulse rate and preference. LOD profiles from IMP models using marker genotypes segregating at a ratio of 1 : 2 : 1 in both families (markers segregating in only one family were treated as missing data and thus simulated in the non-segregating family) are shown in red (female preference) and blue (male pulse rate). LOD profiles from IMP models using all marker genotypes, including those not segregating in one of the two families (obtained from forced SNP call, see electronic supplementary material) are shown in grey. Markers (tick marks on the x-axis) in red indicate those segregating in one of the two families, and markers in black are those segregating in both families (see electronic supplementary material for details). The red- and blue-shaded areas indicate 1.5-LOD confidence intervals for preference and pulse rate QTL, respectively. The scatter plots show individual phenotypes for three genotypes at the marker with the highest LOD score for preference and pulse rate, respectively; the middle horizontal lines are means, and the whiskers are standard errors).