(A) Representative primary root growth phenotypes of seedlings (day 5) grown under different growth conditions. Shown are wild-type plants (Col-0), and vim1 (AT1G57820: line 1, SALK_050903; line 2, SALK_000930); fh6 (AT5G67470 line1, SALK_067518; line 2, SALK_099497); vdac3 (AT5G15090: line1, SALK_127899; line 2, N814058). Average primary root length was determined 5 days after germination on seedlings grown under control (Ct) 5B), deficiency of P (-P) (C), Fe (-Fe) (D), P and Fe (-P-Fe) (E) media. Experiments were independently repeated three times, and each data point was obtained from the analysis of primary root growth from a pool of plants (n ≥ 10). Letters indicate significantly different values at p <0.05 determined by ANOVA and Tukey HSD. L1, Line1 and L2, Line 2.