Figure 4.
Cell wall biosynthesis genes were up‐regulated in the hybrids and Mimics. (a) The biochemical pathway of cell wall biosynthesis. Genes encoding the enzymes for production of cellulose, hemicellulose, and pectin are indicated. Genes up‐regulated in the hybrids and Mimics are in red letters. UDP‐GlcA, UDP‐glucuronic acid; CesA: cellulose synthase; UGD: UDP‐glucose dehydrogenase; AXS, UDP‐apiose/UDP‐xylose synthase; UXS, UDP‐xylose synthase; GAE, UDP‐glucuronic acid epimerase; UXE, UDP‐xylose epimerase. (b) Heat maps showing the expression levels of cell wall biosynthesis genes CesA1‐10, UGD1‐4, and AXS1‐2 in the F1 hybrids, Hybrid Mimics, and small lines in Ws/Ler and Col/Ler systems. Red/green colors indicate the up‐/down‐regulated fold change (FC) from the MPV. “>” or “<” indicates that expression shows an up or down trend, but the change is not significant (p > .05 from the MPV). Blue/yellow color indicates the comparison between the two parents in Ws/Ler or Col/Ler system