Fig 1. Evolutionary history of sHsps in γ-proteobacteria.
(A) The distribution of sHsp genes (ibpA red; ibpB blue) at the species phylogeny of γ-proteobacteria (calculated with a supermatrix of 1500 orthologs from 50 γ-proteobacteria genomes using Maximum Likelihood method with GTR+GAMMA model) indicates the presence of a single copy ibpA (black) in γ-proteobacteria before the speciation of Enterobacterales, both ibpA and ibpB (green) are co-expressed in the subset of Enterobacterales (Hafniaceae, Pectobacteriaceae, Yersiniaceae, Enterobacteriaceae), and ibpB is absent in Erwiniaceae (purple). Based on parsimony two evolutionary events in γ-proteobacteria were inferred, the duplication of ibpA at the base of Enterobacterales (star) and loss of ibpB in Erwiniacea (cross). (B) The evolutionary history of sHsps (IbpA red; IbpB blue) in γ-proteobacteria, calculated with Maximum Likelihood method with CAT+I+LG model, indicates the presence single duplication event at the base of Enterobacterales, resulting in a presence of both IbpA and IbpB in Hafniaceae, Pectobacteriaceae, Yersiniaceae, Enterobacteriaceae (green). In all these lineages ibpB evolves faster than ibpA, but no ibpB is present in Erwiniacea (purple). Scale bar indicates number of substitution per site.