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. 2019 Jun 3;56(12):8008–8017. doi: 10.1007/s12035-019-1630-2

Table 2.

Neurological signs and symptoms in siblings affected by IU and/or MS

Patient Age of onset (y/o) of neurological symptoms Neurological symptoms Neurological findings MRI findings Neurological Dx Treatment
M-XY EMU003 None. Patient died in an accident before knowing if he had MS findings. Observation.
M-XY EMU004 17 Fatigue in lower limbs. Anxiety. Refuses to diagnose confirmation. Neurological symptoms suggesting MS comorbidity Fatigue syndrome in lower limbs. Generalized anxiety syndrome (psychiatric diagnosis). Systemic corticosteroids, prednisolone, and systemic immunosuppressant, methotrexate.
F-XX EMU005 22 Decrease strength and sensitivity of the body right half. Decrease in sensation of the right upper limb. Right Babinski (+). Right pyramidal motor syndrome. Right hypoesthesia. Hemiparetic gait. Hypoesthesia of the right upper limb. Left hemiparesis. Strength 3/5. Left hypoesthesia. 22-year-old brain MRI: Small punctate lesions in the white matter of semi-oval centers of both hemispheres. Spine MRI (cervical): punctate focal lesion of the cord at C3 level without signs of inflammatory activity. 27-year-old brain MRI: multiple periventricular lesions, two of them have enhancement with contrast medium indicating activity. Spine MRI: presence of cervical and thoracic demyelinating plaques. 33-year-old brain MRI: 10 new lesions and volume loss of the cerebral parenchyma. Spine MRI (cervical): The lesions described are more confluent and are associated with a discrete decrease in the volume of the cord. Multiple sclerosis 2017 McDonald criteria: ≥ 2 attacks and objective clinical evidence of ≥ 2 lesions. CSF-specific oligoclonal bands Systemic corticosteroids, prednisolone, and systemic immunosuppressant, methotrexate.
F-XX EMU002 19 Alteration of balance. Paresthesia in hands and head. Urine retention. Romberg +. Dysdiadochokinesia. Neurogenic bladder. Previous images not available. 32-year-old brain MRI: multiple supra and infratentorial hyperintense lesions in T2 and FLAIR sequence. Presence of black holes and active lesions. Spine MRI (cervical): hyperintense cervical and dorsal lesions. Atrophy of the medullary cord. No active lesions. Multiple sclerosis 2017 McDonald criteria: ≥ 2 attacks and objective clinical evidence of ≥ 2 lesions. CSF-specific oligoclonal bands Systemic corticosteroids, prednisolone, and systemic immunosuppressants, methotrexate.

MRI magnetic resonance imaging