Table 2.
Neurological signs and symptoms in siblings affected by IU and/or MS
Patient | Age of onset (y/o) of neurological symptoms | Neurological symptoms | Neurological findings | MRI findings | Neurological Dx | Treatment |
M-XY EMU003 | – | – | – | – | None. Patient died in an accident before knowing if he had MS findings. | Observation. |
M-XY EMU004 | 17 | Fatigue in lower limbs. Anxiety. | – | Refuses to diagnose confirmation. | Neurological symptoms suggesting MS comorbidity Fatigue syndrome in lower limbs. Generalized anxiety syndrome (psychiatric diagnosis). | Systemic corticosteroids, prednisolone, and systemic immunosuppressant, methotrexate. |
F-XX EMU005 | 22 | Decrease strength and sensitivity of the body right half. Decrease in sensation of the right upper limb. | Right Babinski (+). Right pyramidal motor syndrome. Right hypoesthesia. Hemiparetic gait. Hypoesthesia of the right upper limb. Left hemiparesis. Strength 3/5. Left hypoesthesia. | 22-year-old brain MRI: Small punctate lesions in the white matter of semi-oval centers of both hemispheres. Spine MRI (cervical): punctate focal lesion of the cord at C3 level without signs of inflammatory activity. 27-year-old brain MRI: multiple periventricular lesions, two of them have enhancement with contrast medium indicating activity. Spine MRI: presence of cervical and thoracic demyelinating plaques. 33-year-old brain MRI: 10 new lesions and volume loss of the cerebral parenchyma. Spine MRI (cervical): The lesions described are more confluent and are associated with a discrete decrease in the volume of the cord. | Multiple sclerosis 2017 McDonald criteria: ≥ 2 attacks and objective clinical evidence of ≥ 2 lesions. CSF-specific oligoclonal bands | Systemic corticosteroids, prednisolone, and systemic immunosuppressant, methotrexate. |
F-XX EMU002 | 19 | Alteration of balance. Paresthesia in hands and head. Urine retention. | Romberg +. Dysdiadochokinesia. Neurogenic bladder. | Previous images not available. 32-year-old brain MRI: multiple supra and infratentorial hyperintense lesions in T2 and FLAIR sequence. Presence of black holes and active lesions. Spine MRI (cervical): hyperintense cervical and dorsal lesions. Atrophy of the medullary cord. No active lesions. | Multiple sclerosis 2017 McDonald criteria: ≥ 2 attacks and objective clinical evidence of ≥ 2 lesions. CSF-specific oligoclonal bands | Systemic corticosteroids, prednisolone, and systemic immunosuppressants, methotrexate. |
MRI magnetic resonance imaging