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. 2019 Oct 14;11(10):2456. doi: 10.3390/nu11102456

Table 2.

Characteristics of the COGNIS study participants.

BF (n = 50) SF (n = 85) EF (n = 85) p 1
Parents Characteristics
 Maternal age (years) 32 (30–36.25) 32 (24.75–35.25) 30.50 (26.25–34.75) 0.068
 Paternal age (years) 35.07 ± 5.01 32.68 ± 6.89 33.31 ± 7.03 0.134
 Maternal pBMI (kg/m2) 23.90 (21.80–26.16) 24.18 (21.75–27.61) 23.68 (21.14–27.30) 0.842
 GA at delivery (weeks) 39.5 (38–40.25) 40 (38–40) 40 (39–40) 0.925
 GWG (kg) 6 (4–9) 7 (3.5–10) 6 (3–9.5) 0.781
 Siblings No 28 (56) 33 (38.80) 42 (49.40) 0.128
Yes 22 (44) 52 (61.20) 43 (50.60)
 Type of delivery Vaginal 37 (74) 62 (72.90) 60 (70.60) 0.899
Caesarean 13 (26) 23 (27) 25 (29.40)
Smoking during pregnancy Yes 2 (4.70) 13 (18.80) 10 (13) 0.098
Postpartum Depression Yes 6 (12) 21 (24.7) 22 (26.2) 0.131
Maternal IQ (points) 111 (99–118) a 102 (92–111) b 100 (86–108) b <0.001
Maternal educational level Primary 1 (2) a 19 (22.40) b 19 (22.40) b <0.001
Secondary 5 (10) a 28 (32.90) b 29 (34.10) b
VT 16 (32) 15 (17.60) 21 (24.70)
University 28 (56) a 23 (27.10) b 16 (18.80) b
Paternal IQ (points) 108 (99–117) 108 (96–117) 102 (92–111) 0.062
Paternal educational level Primary 6 (12.80) a 28 (35) b 36 (46.20) b 0.003
Secondary 11 (23.40) 25 (31.30) 16 (20.50)
VT 12 (25.50) 13 (16.30) 12 (15.40)
University 18 (38.30) a 14 (17.40) b 14 (17.90) b
Place of residence Urban 15 (30) 38 (44.70) 28 (32.90) 0.148
Rural 35 (70) 47 (55.30) 57 (67.10)
Newborn characteristics
Sex (boy) 21 (42) 49 (57.6) 51 (60) 0.105
Birth weight (g) 3321.20 ± 431.73 3266.25 ± 459.08 3347.76 ± 486.41 0.513
Birth length (cm) 51 (49–51) 50 (49–52) 51 (49–52) 0.431
Birth HC (cm) 35 (33.25–35) 35 (34–35.5) 34.25 (34–35) 0.481
Breastfeeding (days) 420 (270–540) 8 (0–22) 7 (1–28) <0.001

Data are presented as n (%) for categorical data, mean ± SDs for parametrically distributed data, and median (IQR) for non-parametrically distributed data. 1 p-values for overall differences between COGNIS study groups. p-values were obtained from ANOVA for normally distributed variables, Kruskal–Wallis rank-sum test for non-normal continuous variables, and Chi-square test for categorical variables. Values not sharing the same suffix (ab) were significantly different in the Bonferroni post hoc test. BF: breastfed infants; SF: standard infant formula; EF: experimental infant formula; pBMI: pre-gestational body mass index; IQ: intelligence quotient; VT: vocational training; GWG: gestational weight gain; GA: gestational age; HC: head circumference.