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. 2019 Oct 12;11(10):2433. doi: 10.3390/nu11102433

Table 3.

Summary of hierarchical logistic regression analyses (full model) for the prediction of recurrent loss of control eating in children aged 8–10 years (n = 366).

B SE Exp(B) CI 95% p χ² df p Total R²
Step 1: Control variables 22.815 4 < 0.001 0.18
Child BMI-SDS 0.590 0.288 1.804 1.026–3.172 0.040
Child age −0.460 0.275 0.631 0.368–1.083 0.095
Child sex 0.154 0.530 1.166 0.413–3.294 0.772
Socioeconomic status −0.186 0.080 0.830 0.710–0.971 0.020
Step 2: Parental feeding practices 2.610 3 0.456 0.20
Restriction −0.067 0.295 0.935 0.525–1.666 0.820
Pressure to eat 0.404 0.305 1.498 0.824–2.726 0.185
Monitoring −0.027 0.306 0.973 0.534–1.773 0.930
Step 3: Interaction terms 3.744 3 0.290 0.23
Restriction × Child BMI-SDS 0.253 0.171 1.288 0.920–1.803 0.140
Pressure to eat × Child BMI-SDS −0.163 0.195 0.850 0.580–1.245 0.403
Monitoring × Child BMI-SDS −0.228 0.230 0.796 0.507–1.250 0.322

Note. B: unstandardized beta, BMI-SDS: body mass index-standard deviation score, CI 95%: 95% confidence interval, Exp(B): estimated odds ratio, SE: standard error.