Contents of free amino groups (A), fructosamine (B), fluorescent AGE (C), total AGE (D), and protein oxidation (E) in the samples of the BSA-GLU glycation system (21 days incubation, 37 °C, pH 7.4). BSA: negative control; GLU: BSA + glucose; AMG: BSA + glucose + aminoguanidine; CSE: BSA + glucose + CSE (12,5 mg mL−1); CGA1: BSA + glucose + 1 mmol L−1 CGA; CGA5: BSA + glucose + 5 mmol L−1 CGA; CGA10: BSA + glucose + 10 mmol L−1 CGA; GEN: BSA + glucose + 5 mmol L−1 genistein; MEL: BSA + glucose + 5 mmol L−1 melatonin. Results are presented as mean ± SD (n = 3). Bars with different letters denote significant differences (p < 0.05) when subjected to the Tukey multiple range test.