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. 2019 Oct 10;8(10):469. doi: 10.3390/foods8100469

Table 2.

Effect of the dietary treatment 1 on meat quality parameters.

Item 2 C T M SEM 3 Diet Effect
IMF3, g/100 g muscle 2.19 1.15 1.87 0.135 0.136
pH 5.94 5.88 6.00 0.040 0.490
α-Tocopherol, ng/g of muscle 258 468 340 44.40 0.149
γ-Tocopherol, ng/g of muscle 1.82 b 3.40 a 1.83 0.278 0.013
δ-Tocopherol, ng/g of muscle 18.6 20.2 29.0 2.530 0.200
Σ Tocopherols, ng/g of muscle 278 492 371 46.00 0.167
SFA, g/100g total FAME 39.5 39.9 40.4 0.593 0.841
MUFA, g/100g total FAME 47.0 a 41.4 b 45.5 a 0.840 0.006
PUFA, g/100g total FAME 10.3 15.6 10.9 1.120 0.093

1 C = concentrate-based diet; T and M mean C diet + 4% tannin extract from either Tara or Mimosa. 2 IMF = intramuscular fat; SFA = saturated fatty acids; MUFA = monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA = polyunsaturated fatty acids; FAME = fatty acid methyl esters. 3 SEM = standard error of mean. a,b Within a row, different superscript letters indicate differences (p ≤ 0.05) between dietary treatments tested using the Tukey’s adjustment for multiple comparisons.