Table 1.
Core design element | Rationale/TBL principle | Effect on learner engagement with content | Effect on learner engagement with peers |
1. Judicious team formation performed by instructor | Optimal team size and intellectual resources (brain power) to be distributed equally across teams. This does not typically occur when learners are allowed to form their own teams. | Teams with too few learners (e.g. less than 5) lack sufficient ‘intellectual assets’ to tackle complex problems; too many learners (e.g. more than 8) permits ‘social loafing’ | Team motivation to work together increases when learners believe their collective brain power matches that of other teams |
2. Readiness Assurance | Allows the instructor and team members to verify that all learners are prepared to apply course concepts to solve real-world, or complex tasks. | Individual and team accountability motivates learners to prepare by acquiring background knowledge before coming to class | During group discussions, learners teach each other, often using language that is more familiar than that of the instructor |
3. Immediate feedback | Immediate feedback enhances both individual learning and team communication processes by allowing teams to constantly assess the effectiveness of their problem-solving and communication strategies. | Obtaining answers to questions following the group test allows individual misconceptions to be clarified before they are entrenched | Reinforces to team members the value of collaboration. Also provides a disincentive for poor team communication behavior (e.g. poor listening or overassertiveness) |
4. Sequencing of in-class problem solving | Proper sequencing of activities- i.e. intrateam followed by interteam activities; enables learners to deepen their level of thinking and can positively affect the team development process | Multiple opportunities to discuss and apply knowledge to solve a problem fosters greater depth of engagement with course concepts and promotes long-term knowledge retention 46 | Interteam discussions solidify group identity and cohesiveness. Teams want to use their intrateam discussion time effectively to avoid embarrassment during interteam discussions |
5. The four Ss | Attention to the 4S structure (i.e. significant problem, same problem, specific choice, simultaneous reporting) fosters individual and team motivation, a common frame of reference, critical thinking and conceptual depth, and vigor during whole class discussions | A significant problem with real-life relevance increases interest during team discussions. Same problem for all teams increases interest during interteam discussions. The requirement to make a specific choice fosters conceptual depth in intra- and interteam discussions. | Simultaneous reporting of specific choice enhances recognition of controversy across teams. Constructive controversy across teams motivates collaboration within teams to defend points of view 41 |
6. Incentive structure | As in any teaching endeavor, the incentive structure has powerful effects on the achievement of course goals | Grading individual performance motivates out-of-class preparation | Grading team performance provides a clear incentive to maximize collaboration |
7. Peer evaluation | This is especially critical in a longitudinal TBL curriculum. Feedback from peers may have effects that other forms of feedback may not because peers have a unique relationship with each other as learners | The possibility of a negative review from peers motivates learners to prepare for and participate in class. Peer feedback also shapes specific learner behavior such as over assertiveness and collaboration | Promotes individual learners’ accountability to the team. It also reinforces the importance of every individual’s preparation and participation, as these affect overall team performance. |
(Adapted with permission from Haidet et al. [41])