Fig. 3.
Poly(I:C)c triggers transcriptional reprogramming of MDSC. Mice with orthotopic T110299 tumors were treated twice with poly(I:C)c prior to sacrifice as described before. RNA of MDSC populations was isolated for whole transcriptome analysis. a Principal component analysis (PCA) of transcriptome of splenic or tumor-derived MDSC with and without poly(I:C)c treatment. b Heatmap of gene expression values (colors indicate row z-scores) for the 1.000 genes contributing most to principle component 2 (PC2). c DAVID analysis for enriched gene ontology biological processes (GO:BP) terms from differentially expressed genes (adjusted p < 0.001, ≥ 2-fold change) upon poly(I:C)c treatment from splenic MDSC. d Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) of differentially expressed genes upon poly(I:C)c treatment compared to published gene sets describing PMN-MDSC vs. neutrophils (GSE24102) and macrophage polarization (GSE5099). Data shown for n = 3 to 4 mice per group