Figure 6.
Microscopy assay of the endosperm between C-bao and NIL-GFR1Ludao. A and B, Transmission electron microscopy images of the central part of endosperm cells in C-bao. C to E, Scanning electron microscopy images of cross sections of seeds of C-bao. F and G, Transmission electron microscopy images of the central part of endosperm cells in NIL-GFR1Ludao. H to J, Scanning electron microscopy images of cross sections of seeds of NIL-GFR1Ludao. K to V, Paraffin sections of grains of C-bao (K, L, O, P, S, and T) and NIL-GFR1Ludao (M, N, Q, R, U, and V) at 3, 7, and 14 DAF, respectively. L, P, T, N, R, and V show magnifications of the dashed boxes in K, O, S, M, Q, and U, respectively. a, Amyloplast; A, Aleurone layer; Es, Endosperm; n, nucleus; Pe, pericarp.