Figure 7.
Transcriptome profiling in flag leaves and grains at 14 DAF of C-bao and NIL-GFR1Ludao. A, MA plot of DEGs in flag leaves and grains at 14 DAF of C-bao and NIL-GFR1Ludao. The number next to the arrow indicates the number of DEGs. FPKM, Fragments per kilobase of exon model per million mapped fragments. MA, M versus A. M is minus and A is add. B, Overview of DEGs in flag leaves and grains at 14 DAF of C-bao and NIL-GFR1Ludao. C, DEGs related to the GFR according to the KEGG pathway. The color in each cell indicates the value of the log2 fold change (NIL-GFR1Ludao/C-bao).