SlPIF4 participates in high temperature-induced hypocotyl elongation. A, Composite image of representative seedlings depicting differences in size in response to temperature. Bar = 2 cm. B, Hypocotyl length. C, Relative transcript profile of auxin biosynthetic genes. Data shown are the means ± se of at least 14 seedlings (B) or three biological replicates composed of five seedlings each (C). Ambient and high temperatures were 25°C and 30°C, respectively. Significant differences relative to the wild-type (WT) control are denoted by uppercase letters (ANOVA followed by Fisher’s lsd test). L20, T4 homozygous 35S::SlPIF4-RNAi L20; YUC8A-C, YUCCA FLAVIN MONOOXYGENASE 8A-C.