Figure 2.
Inoculation of Arabidopsis leaves with compatible Psm or HR-inducing Psm avrRpm1 trigger transcriptional changes of genes involved in tocopherol biosynthesis. Relative expression levels are shown for tocopherol biosynthetic genes upon Psm and Psm avrRpm1 inoculation (OD600 = 0.005) at 48 hpi. A, TAT1. B, HPPD. C, VTE2. D, VTE3. E, VTE1. F, VTE4. Transcript levels represent means ± sd of three biological replicate leaf samples from different plants and are expressed relative to the levels of mock-control (MgCl2) samples. Asterisks above the bars denote statistically significant differences between Psm or Psm avrRpm1 inoculation and mock inoculation: ***, P < 0.001 and **, P < 0.01 (two-tailed Student’s t test).