Comparison of 24-Month Mullen Scales T-Scores and Mullen Composite Score Patients With and Without a TSC2 Pathogenic Variant
TSC2 Mean (S.D.) |
TSC1/NMI Mean (S.D.) |
P Value * |
Gross Motor T-Score† | 36.2 (11.4) | 44.9 (9.3) | <0.001 |
Visual Reception T-Score† | 35.7 (14.7) | 50.5 (12.0) | <0.001 |
Fine Motor T-Score† | 33.2 (12.4) | 44.0 (12.1) | <0.001 |
Receptive Language† T-Score | 35.5 (15.6) | 46.2 (12.4) | 0.002 |
Expressive Language T-Score† | 35.1 (11.8) | 46.5 (10.6) | <0.001 |
Early Learning Composite Standard Score‡ | 74.3 (23.2) | 94.5 (18.9) | <0.001 |
NMI = No mutation identified.
Bold values indicate significance.
From the Kruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test.
T-scores have a mean of 50 and an S.D. of 10.
Early Learning Composite score has a mean of 100 and an S.D. of 15.