(A) Immunostaining of NO2Tyr in the liver. Liver photomicrographs of representative rat are shown from each experimental group. Magnification: 20×. Bar, 200 µm. CV, central vein; IR, ischemia–reperfusion; GW, animals treated with GW 4869; DMSO, group treated with dimethyl sulfoxide. (B) Immunostaining scores of NO2Tyr. Values are mean ± SD, n = 4–5. Statistical analysis was by Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis on ranks. All pairwise multiple comparisons were done by Dunn's method.*, p<.05 compared to control, sham, GW and DMSO. (C) Liver NO2Tyr levels. Values are mean ± SD. n = 4–10. Statistical analysis was by Kruskal–Wallis one-way analysis on ranks. All pairwise multiple comparisons were done by Dunn's method. *, p<.05 compared to control, sham, GW and DMSO.