Figure 5.
The activities of phase II detoxification enzymes (GST, GR, and DTD) and GSH in the liver of control and experimental hamsters. (1) DMBA, (2) DMBA + geraniol (250 mg/kg b.w.), (3) Geraniol alone (250 mg/kg b.w.), (4) Corn oil + liquid paraffin, (5) Control. Bars are mean ± SD for 10 hamsters in each group. a–cValues not sharing a common superscript letter (a, b, and c) in the same column differ significantly at P < 0.05 (DMRT). UA – micromoles of 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene-reduced glutathione conjugate formed/minute. UB – micromoles of NADPH oxidized/hour. UC – micromoles of 2,6-dichlorolindophenol reduced/minute.