Figure 2.
Levels of amino acid ratios and of individual amino acids; diagnostic threshold set in the training set (red lines). Venn diagrams of the metabotype-positive subjects identified by each of the AA:BCAA diagnostics for AADMglutamine (A-C), AADMglycine (D-F), and AADMornithine (G-I) in the training and test sets. A, D, and G) Scatter plots of the AA:BCAA ratios used to create an AADM diagnostic test. Red points represent AADM positive subjects and black points represent AADM negative subjects. The red horizontal line is the diagnostic threshold set in the training set. B, E, and H) Scatter plots of individual amino acids used in the creation of the ratios. Red dots indicate AADM positive subjects and black points represent those that are AADM negative. C, F, and I) Venn diagram of metabotype-positive subjects identified by the three ratios used to create each AA:BCAA diagnostic. Each circle represents the subjects identified by the diagnostic threshold for a given ratio. The intersection of the Venn diagram indicates the subjects called AADM positive (red dots in scatter plots). Performance metrics above the Venn diagram represent entire study population (training and test sets).Abbreviations: AA, amino acid; BCAA, branched chain amino acid; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; TYP, typically developing; AADM, amino acid dysregulation metabotype.