Figure 2. Limited Potential of Neonatal Heart Regeneration.
(A–D) Transverse sections of representative hearts at 21 dps (A and B) and 60 dps (C and D), suggesting that the repairing process takes longer than 21 days. A significant portion of hearts (46.2%) cannot be fully regenerated at 60 dps (C4 and C5). Asterisks indicate injured regions and incomplete repair.
(E) Quantification of repair degree at 21 dps and 60 dps determined by apex shape and fibrotic tissues.
(F–H) Global view of hearts in sham (F) and surgery (G) groups. Ventricular morphology is quantitated by the ratio of maximal horizontal width (w) to maximal vertical height (h) (H).
**p < 0.01 versus the sham control. Scale bar, 1 mm.
See also Figures S1 and S2.