Figure 4. Accumulated Tbx18-Expressing Cells in the Injured Region.
(A) DAPI staining at 3, 7, 14, 21, 30, and 60 dps.
(B and C) Robust Tbx18-expressing cells (Tbx18H2B-GFP-positive) in the injury site during repair (arrows) with high density at 3–21 dps (B1–B4 and C1–C4).
(D and E) Immunostaining in the injured site at 21 dps (D) and 60 dps (E). Tbx18H2B-GFP is not co-expressed with cTNT (D1 and E1) but is co-expressed with SM-MHC (D2 and E2), α-SMA (D3 and E3), and PDGFRβ (D4 and E4). Tbx18H2B-GFP is not co-expressed with PECAM in the endothelial cells (D5 and E5). The top right corner images in (D) and (E) are high magnification of the areas outlined in each panel. Scale bar, 1mm (white) and 100 μm (yellow).
See also Figures S4 and S5.