Tribolium, the established morphological staging system (
Biffar and Stollewerk, 2014) with respect to early neurogenesis has 15 stages, termed NS1 to NS15. (
A, B) From NS3 to NS5, the neuroectoderm is still a flat sheet of cells. (
C) At NS7, the labral and stomodeal buds have formed (arrow, white arrowhead). (
D) At NS11, the brain grows thicker and contains an increased number of cells. (
E, F) From NS13 onwards, the brain hemispheres become an oval shape and grow. (
G) At NS15, the brain hemisphere shows a pear-like shape. All planes are dorsal view. (
Tc-ase-RNA exonic probe marks cytoplasm. (
Tc-ase-RNA intronic probe marks only nuclei, which allows cell identification.