Immunohistochemistry visualizes EGFP (green) derived from the foxQ2-5’-line. Synapsin visualizes adult brain morphology (magenta in E,F) while nuclei are visualized by DAPI (blue in A’-C’’). (A–A’’) At NS14, the anterior-lateral-foxQ2-cluster consists of one NPC and a small number of progeny (orange arrowheads). (B–B’’, D) At NS15, more cells are marked by EGFP (orange arrowheads) and their projections join a Tc-foxQ2 positive axon bundle (white arrows in B, (D). (C–C’’) EGFP marked projections contribute to the central body in L5 larval brain, which is visualized by its surrounding glia cells (white arrowhead in C’). (E–F) EGFP marked projections contribute to the upper unit of the central body in the adult brain (white arrowhead in E) visualized by synapsin and surrounding glia (white arrowhead in F). (E’–F’) Another fascicle projects across the midline directly posterior of the central body (open arrowhead).