Figure 4. Reducing tissue contractility enhances fluidity and can speed wound closure.
All figures are vertex model simulations. a, Intercalation rate in an unwounded tissue against mean cell line tension. Error bars = SD. b, Normalized tissue shear modulus and viscosity against tension. c, Mean wound closure time against cell line tension and purse-string tension. The white region indicates parameter space where wounds fail to close within 300 minutes. The colored stars indicate the parameters used in (e) and (f). d, Mean wound edge intercalation rate against cell line tension and purse-string tension. e, Percentage of initial area over time for low, moderate, and high line tension cases. Points are from simulations, and lines are fit dual exponential curves. f, Percentage of initial wound junctions over time for low, moderate, and high tension cases. Points are from simulations; lines are the average over all simulations. For all combinations of tension, n = 12 simulations for each.