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. 2019 Oct;9(Suppl 2):S281–S291. doi: 10.21037/cdt.2019.01.01

Table 3. Excerpt from the questionnaire assessing oral health and risk awareness in ACHD and answers of all study participants and high-risk patients.

Questions All ACHD (n=112) High-risk patients (n=52)
Absolute frequency Relative frequency (%) Absolute frequency Relative frequency (%)
1. Do you think that poor oral health is a risk factor for cardiac complications?
   a. Yes 78 69.6 37 71.2
   b. No 12 10.7 5 9.6
   c. I do not know 22 19.6 10 19.2
2. Are you aware of a correlation between oral health and possible cardiac diseases?
   a. Yes, I feel sufficiently well informed about the link 30 26.8 22 42.3
   b. Yes, but I do not feel sufficiently well informed about the link 39 34.8 15 28.8
   c. No 43 38.4 15 28.8
3. Is dental hygiene especially important for you because of your CHD?
   a. Yes 42 37.5 27 51.9
   b. No 52 46.4 19 36.5
   c. I do not know 18 16.1 6 11.5
4. Did you have to postpone dental treatment or follow-up appointments for more than 6 months because of your CHD?
   a. Yes 5 4.5 5 9.6
   b. No 102 91.1 43 82.7
   c. I do not know 5 4.5 4 7.7
5. Are you afraid of dental treatment because of your CHD?
   a. Yes 12 10.7 8 15.4
   b. No 97 86.6 42 80.8
   c. I do not know 3 2.7 2 3.8
6. Are you worried about dental hygiene impairing your heart?
   a. Yes 2 1.8 2 3.8
   b. No 104 92.9 48 92.3
   c. I do not know 6 5.4 2 3.8
7. Do you have a heart disease record card?
   a. Yes, and my dentist is aware of it 65 60.2 31 62.0
   b. Yes, but my dentist has not seen it 24 22.2 11 22.0
   c. No 19 17.6 8 16.0
8. Did your cardiologist recommend you to take an antibiotic prophylaxis prior to certain dental procedures?
   a. Yes, and it was already required 63 56.8 34 65.4
   b. Yes, but it was not yet required 13 11.7 5 9.6
   c. I do not know 5 4.5 3 5.8
   d. No, it was not recommended to me 30 27.0 10 19.2
9. How often do you see the dentist?
   a. Never 3 2.7 2 3.8
   b. Less than once a year 9 8.0 6 11.5
   c. Once a year 49 43.8 25 48.1
   d. Two or three times a year 47 42.0 17 32.7
   e. More frequently 4 3.6 2 3.8
10. How often do you make use of a professional dental cleaning?
   a. Never 38 34.5 19 37.3
   b. Once a year 60 54.5 27 52.9
   c. Once every 6 months 9 8.2 3 5.9
   d. More frequently 3 2.7 2 3.9
11. How often do you brush your teeth in a day?
   a. Never 0 0 0 0
   b. Once 18 16.2 9 17.6
   c. Twice 82 73.9 35 68.6
   d. Three times 11 9.9 7 13.7
   e. More frequently 0 0 0 0
12. How often do you floss your teeth?
   a. Never 57 53.3 24 50.0
   b. Once a month 17 15.9 9 18.8
   c. Once a week 26 24.3 12 25.0
   d. Once a day 5 4.7 1 2.1
   e. Every time 2 1.9 2 4.2
13. How many cigarettes do you smoke in a day?
   a. None 93 83.0 44 84.6
   b. Less than 5 8 7.1 5 9.6
   c. 5 to 10 6 5.4 1 1.9
   d. More than 10 5 4.5 2 3.8
   e. More than a packet 0 0 0 0
14. How often do you drink alcohol in a week?
   a. Never 56 50.9 23 45.1
   b. Once 35 31.8 17 33.3
   c. Twice 10 9.1 6 11.8
   d. Three times 5 4.5 3 5.9
   e. More frequently 4 3.6 2 3.9
15. How many hours in a week are you physically active?
   a. Never 17 15.7 6 11.8
   b. One hour 26 24.1 15 29.4
   c. Three hours 31 28.7 15 29.4
   d. Five hours 12 11.1 6 11.8
   e. More than five hours 22 20.4 9 17.6
16. Do you know what endocarditis/infection of the endocardium is?
   a. Yes 52 46.4 30 57.7
   b. No 60 53.6 22 42.3
17. Have you ever suffered from endocarditis?
   a. Yes 6 5.4 5 9.6
   b. No 83 74.1 39 75.0
   c. I do not know 22 19.6 8 15.4
18. What is your highest level of education?
   a. None 9 8.1 3 5.8
   b. Secondary school for general basic education 29 26.1 21 40.4
   c. Intermediate secondary school 37 33.3 13 25.0
   d. Academic high school 18 16.2 6 11.5
   e. University degree 18 16.2 9 17.3

ACHD, adults with congenital heart defects.