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. 2019 Nov 7;21(11):115. doi: 10.1007/s11920-019-1095-z

Table 1.

Overview of results from studies investigating HC-effects on psychological and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying mood regulation—emotion recognition and reactivity, reward processing, and stress response. Studies are listed in order of appearance in the text

Research design Sample size and HC method Research modality Task Results Main findings in HC-users
Emotion recognition
 Pahnke et al. [21] Cross-sectional

42 combined OC

53 NC (35 follicular, 18 luteal)

Behavioral RMET OC-users performed significantly worse in complex face recognition independent of emotional valence or type of OC (androgenic vs antiandrogenic). Impaired emotion recognition
 Hamstra et al. [22] Cross-sectional

49 combined OC

44 NC (21 early follicular, 23 luteal)

Behavior-genotype interaction Facial expression recognition task, RMET

OC-users with MC haplotype 1 and 3 performed generally worse in face recognition task than luteal NC women (trend-level).

OC-users with MC haplotype 2 recognized less positive characteristics in the RMET than luteal NC women.

Impaired emotion recognition
 Hamstra et al. [23] Cross-sectional

44 combined OC

40 NC (11 follicular, 29 luteal)

Behavior-genotype interaction Facial expression recognition task, emotional categorization, and memory task OC-users showed worse recognition of anger independent of MC haplotype. Impaired emotion recognition of negative emotions
OC-users with MC haplotype 1 and 3 recognized fearful and sad images significantly better and recalled more negative characteristics, but also had longer reaction times for detecting these emotions. Attention bias to negative emotions in MC haplotype 1 and 3 carriers
 Hamstra et al. [24] Cross-sectional

26 OC1

14 follicular NC

Behavioral Facial expression recognition task OC-users showed worse recognition of facial expressions depicting anger, as well as a trend for sadness and disgust, compared with NC women. Impaired emotion recognition of negative emotions
 Hamstra et al. [25] Longitudinal

57 combined OC (within subjects active vs. inactive pill phase)

39 NC (within subjects early follicular vs. luteal)

Behavior-genotype interaction Facial expression recognition task, RMET

OC-users showed worse recognition of sadness and happiness (trend-level) and had shorter reaction times for detecting anger and happiness.

OC-users recognized more positive characteristics in RMET

Mixed findings: both impaired and enhanced emotion recognition
 Radke et al. [26•] Cross-sectional

25 combined OC (inactive phase)

30 combined OC (active phase)

18 NC

Behavioral Affective responsiveness task, emotion recognition task, perspective-taking task No differences in emotion recognition and perspective taking between OC-users and NC women. No differences in emotion recognition
Increased accuracy for OC-users in active phase in affective responsiveness compared with OC-users in an inactive phase. Enhanced emotional reactivity in active OC phase
Emotional reactivity
 Spalek et al. [27•] Cross-sectional

1215 HC1 (majority OC)

954 NC

Behavioral Picture rating task, picture memory task HC-users rated emotional pictures (negative and positive) more emotionally intense and neutral images less arousing than NC women. Enhanced emotional reactivity
HC-users remembered significantly more emotional pictures (positive and negative) than NC women which were mediated by valence/arousal ratings. Enhanced emotional memory
 Gingnell et al. [28] RCT

17 combined OC-starters

17 placebo-starters

(both groups with previous mood-related side effects of OCs)

Task fMRI Emotional face-matching task No differences in face-matching accuracy. Similar ratings
OC-starters had significantly more mood swings and depressed mood after 1 month of intake compared with pre-start and to the placebo group. Mood swings and depressed mood
OC-starters had reduced BOLD response in the left insula, left MFG, and bilateral IFG compared with placebo and reduced BOLD response in bilateral IFG compared with pre-start. Blunted emotional reactivity
Decreased habituation of amygdala in OC-starters compared with placebo between time points. Higher vigilance for negative emotional stimuli
 Miedl et al. [29•] Cross-sectional

23 combined OC

30 NC

Task fMRI Traumatic vs neutral video clips No differences in valence and arousal ratings. Similar ratings
Enhanced BOLD responses in OC-users in the insula and dorsal ACC during traumatic vs. neutral clip viewing. Enhanced emotional reactivity for traumatic content
 Merz et al. [30] Cross-sectional

29 combined OC

30 luteal NC

39 men

Task fMRI, physiology Fear acquisition and extinction Slower habituation of SCR rates, correlated with increased BOLD signal in response to fear-evoking stimuli in OC-users compared with NC women in the right amygdala, right ACC, bilateral thalamus, and vmPFC.

Similar emotional reactivity in the acquisition phase

Increased emotional reactivity in the extinction phase

 Hwang et al. [31] Cross-sectional

16 combined OC

32 NC (16 high estradiol, 16 low estradiol)

37 men

Task fMRI Fear conditioning, extinction and recall procedures Reduced BOLD response during fear conditioning in the insular cortex, MCC, amygdala, and hypothalamus in OC-users compared with high estradiol NC women. Blunted emotional reactivity during fear conditioning
No differences between OC-users and NC women for unconditioned fear, fear extinction, and recall. Similar emotional reactivity in fear extinction and recall
 Armbruster et al. [32] Cross-sectional

35 combined OC

35 NC (within-subjects early follicular vs. late luteal)

Physiology (SCR, startle magnitude) Acoustic startle response task during image presentation No difference in valence and arousal ratings between OC-users and NC women. Similar ratings
OC had blunted startle magnitudes and SCR, especially for negative images. Blunted emotional reactivity
Reward processing
 Petersen et al. [33] Cross-sectional

44 combined OC

46 NC

Structural MRI OC-use associated with lower cortical thickness in lateral OFC and posterior cingulate cortex. Lower cortical thickness in reward-related region
 Bonenberger et al. [34] Cross-sectional

12 OC1

12 NC

Task fMRI Monetary incentive task Enhanced BOLD response during monetary reward expectation in anterior insula and inferior PFC in OC-users compared with NC women in the follicular phase. Enhanced reward response
 Arnoni-Bauer et al. [35] Cross-sectional

12 combined OC

20 NC

Task fMRI Visual food cues OC-users show similar BOLD response as NC women in the luteal phase but greater BOLD response as NC women in the follicular phase in reward response (amygdala, putamen) and decision-making regions (PFC). ↔↑ Similar to enhanced reward response
 Scheele et al. [36] Cross-sectional

21 HC

(16 combined OC, 5 IUS)

19 NC

Task fMRI Attractiveness rating under single oxytocin nasal dose

Oxytocin increased attractiveness ratings of the partner’s face in NC women but not in HC-users.

Reduced BOLD response in striatal reward regions (NAcc, VTA) in OC-users compared with NC women.

Blunted reward response
 Jakob et al. [37•] Longitudinal

38 combined OC (within-subjects active vs. inactive pill phase)

30 NC (within-subjects early vs. late follicular)

Behavior-hormone-genotype interaction Probabilistic reinforcement learning task Decrease in ability to avoid punishment with rising estradiol levels in 9RP carriers NC women, no such behavioral variations in OC-users according to DAT1-genotype differences or intake phase. No genotype interaction for reward responses
Stress response
 Merz et al. [38] Cross-sectional

30 combined OC

60 NC

Behavioral, physiological SECPT Blunted cortisol response in OC-users compared with NC women after stress exposure. Blunted stress response
 Barel et al. [39] Cross-sectional

20 combined OC

17 NC

Behavioral, physiological TSST Blunted cortisol response in OC-users compared with NC women after stress exposure. Blunted stress response
 Nielsen et al. [40] Cross-sectional

49 combined OC

60 NC

Behavioral, physiological Emotional recall after CPS Blunted cortisol after stress exposure, paralleled by weaker performance in emotional recall response in OC-users compared with NC women. Blunted stress response
 Mordecai et al. [41] Longitudinal

39 combined OC (within-subjects active vs. inactive pill phase)

40 NC (within-subjects follicular vs. luteal)

Behavioral, physiological Emotional recall after TSST Blunted cortisol response and worse emotional recall for negative words in OC-users (similar for both active and inactive pill phase) compared with NC women after stress exposure. Blunted stress response
Higher baseline cortisol levels in OC-users compared with NC women. Higher baseline cortisol
 Hertel et al. [42••] Cross-sectional

74 OC

(70 combined OC, 4 progestin-only)

159 NC

Structural MRI, physiological Higher baseline cortisol levels and reduced hippocampal gray matter in OC-users compared with NC women.

Higher baseline cortisol

Reduced hippocampal volume

1No information stated on which specific HC/OC-type used in the study

ACC anterior cingulate cortex, BOLD blood oxygen level-dependent, CPS cold-pressor stress, DAT-1 dopamine transporter, fMRI functional magnetic resonance imaging, HC hormonal contraceptive, IFG inferior frontal gyrus, MC mineralocorticoid, MCC middle cingulate cortex, MFG middle frontal gyrus, NAcc nucleus accumbens, NC naturally cycling, OC oral contraceptive, OFC orbitofrontal cortex, PFC prefrontal cortex, RCT randomized, placebo-controlled trial, RMET Reading the Eyes in the Mind Test, SECPT socially evaluated cold-pressor test, SCR skin conductance response, TSST Trier social stress test, vmPFC ventromedial prefrontal cortex, VTA ventral tegmental area