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. 2019 Aug 22;66(2):338–348. doi: 10.1007/s12020-019-02038-0

Table 3.

Results from the adrenal venous sampling (AVS), treatment, histopathological findings and outcome

Patient no Interpretation of the AVS Treatment Pathology Follow-up months Treatment response
1 Right-sided hypercortisolism Right-sided laparoscopic adrenalectomy Adrenal adenoma 31 Postoperative adrenal insufficiency, 13 kg weight reduction, improved blood pressure and significantly increased muscle strength
2 Bilateral hypercortisolism Steroidogenesis inibitor 85 Significantly improved general well-being and insulin sensitivity
3 Bilateral hypercortisolism Steroidogenesis inibitor for 4 months, thereafter surveilance 86 No improvement after 4 months on medical therapy. No progress of symptoms during active surveilance
4 Bilateral hypercortisolism Steroidogenesis inibitor 12 Improved general well-being
5 Bilateral hypercortisolism Steroidogenesis inibitor for 4 months, thereafter surveillance 23 No improvement on medical therapy, rather deterioration with lethargy and malaise
6 Bilateral hypercortisolism Steroidogenesis inibitor for 6 months, thereafter surveillance 50 Improved general well-being on medical treatment, discontinued due to side-effects. During active surveillance, 25 kg weight reduction and resolusion of DM
7 Left-sided hypercortisolism Left-sided adrenalectomy Adrenal adenoma 51 Postoperative adrenal insufficiency. Resolution of all CS features, including hypertension, DM and depression
8 Bilateral hypercortisolism Bilateral laparoscopic adrenalectomy PBMAH 52 20 kg weight reduction. Improved blood pressure and general well-being
9 Bilateral hypercortisolism Bilateral laparoscopic adrenalectomy PPNAD 107 Resolution of all CS features. Restoration of regular menstruation and improved general well-being
10 Bilateral hypercortisolism Bilateral laparoscopic adrenalectomy PPNAD 6 Resolution of all CS features
11 Bilateral hypercortisolism TSS ACTH-positive pituitary adenoma 27 Postoperative adrenal insufficiency and resolution of CS features

Follow-up months from adrenal venous sampling until the last visit or until 31 December 2017

CS Cushing’s syndrome, ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone, CS Cushing’s syndrome, AVS adrenal venous sampling, DM diabetes mellitus type 2, PBMAH primary bilateral macronodular hyperplasia, PPNAD primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease, TSS transsphenoidal surgery