Changes in age-standardised 5-year net survival against changes in mortality and incidence, 2010–14 compared with 1995–99
Age-standardised net survival is for patients aged 15–99 years at diagnosis, and age-standardised incidence and mortality are for patients aged 25 years and older at diagnosis. Increases in survival paralleled by decreases in incidence and mortality are the optimum scenario and show true progress (green upper left quadrant). Other scenarios, such as increasing survival and decreasing mortality, accompanied by increasing incidence, point towards partial progress (red quadrants). Australia includes New South Wales (1995–2012), Victoria and Western Australia; Canada includes Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Saskatchewan; Ireland (1995–2013); the UK includes its four constituent countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland; and all other countries with national data (1995–2014). Estimates for Prince Edward Island (Canada) are not shown because of large fluctuations in rates compared with the small number of cases.