Figure 3.
Post hoc display of neural activation in regions of interest (ROIs) and group differences in activation. Graphical display reflecting processes preceding emotion regulation (emotional reactivity) and actual emotion regulation (activation of cognitive ROIs [blue] or modulation of affective ROIs [lilac] during emotion regulation). Extracted mean parameter estimates for ROIs are reported for adolescents with conduct disorder (CD) (lilac/blue: light colors) and typically developing (TD) adolescents (lilac/blue: dark colors). Two-sample t tests corrected for multiple comparisons indicate hypoactivation in left angular and middle temporal gyrus in adolescents with CD compared with TD adolescents. *Uncorrected p < .05; **p corrected for multiple comparisons. Amy, amygdala; aMCC, anterior middle cingulate gyrus; Ang, angular gyrus; dlPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; L, left; MTG, middle temporal gyrus; neg, negative; neu, neutral; R, right; vlPFC, ventrolateral prefrontal cortex; vStri, ventral striatum.