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. 2019 Nov;4(11):984–994. doi: 10.1016/j.bpsc.2019.05.003

Table 3.

Peak Activation Reports for Activation and Modulation by Emotion Regulation

Brain Region
t PFWE Cluster Size (k) MNI Coordinates
Lobe Area Side x y z
Small-Volume Correction
TD: Activation by ER (Decrease Neg > Look Neg)
 Parietal Angular gyrus, superior/inferior parietal lobe L 5.57 .006 327 −46 −56 40
 Frontal Superior/middle frontal gyrus (dlPFC) L 4.71 .038 231 −30 18 42
TD: Modulation by ER (Look Neg > Decrease Neg) NS
CD: Activation by ER (Decrease Neg > Look Neg) NS
CD: Modulation by ER (Look Neg > Decrease Neg) NS
TD > CD: Activation by ER (Decrease Neg > Look Neg)
 Parietal Angular gyrus, mid occipital/inferior parietal lobe L 4.85 .009 129 −30 18 40
 Frontal Inferior/middle frontal gyrus (dlPFC) L 4.55 .023 118 −40 −58 36
TD > CD: Modulation by ER (Look Neg > Decrease Neg) NS

Whole-Brain Correction

TD: Activation by ER (Decrease Neg > Look Neg)
 Parietal Angular gyrus, superior/inferior parietal, middle occipital lobe L 5.57 <.001 972 −46 −56 40
 Frontal Middle/superior frontal lobe L 4.71 .028 385 −30 18 42
TD: Modulation by ER (Look Neg > Decrease Neg) NS
CD: Activation by ER (Decrease Neg > Look Neg) NS
CD: Modulation by ER (Look Neg > Decrease Neg)
 Frontal Olfactory, anterior cingulate, caudate, putamen, OFC L/R 6.57 .012 180 −18 30 −6
 Temporal Thalamus, hippocampus, lingual, precuneus, parahippocampus L/R 6.56 <.001 412 −6 −24 6
 Occipital Fusiform gyrus, inferior/middle occipital gyrus, lingual, calcarine R 4.96 .003 238 30 −84 −10
 Occipital Middle, inferior, superior occipital lobe L 4.57 .008 195 −22 −98 8
TD > CD: Activation by ER (Decrease Neg > Look Neg)
 Parietal Angular, inferior parietal, mid occipital lobe L 4.64 .046 231 −38 −58 34
TD > CD: Modulation by ER (Look Neg > Decrease Neg) NS

CD, conduct disorder; dlPFC, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; ER, emotion regulation; FWE, familywise error; L, left; MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute; Neg, negative; NS, not significant; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; R, right; TD, typically developing.