GABAergic cells labeled with intersectional viral strategy represent different populations of INs. A, Example of EYFP-expressing cells (panel A1) that either are (panel A2, arrow) or are not (panel A3, asterisk) also immunopositive for NPY (scale bar = 10 µm). B, Example of two EYFP-expressing cells (panel B1, arrow and arrowhead) that both contain PV (panel B2), but only one of which is also immunopositive for Calb (panel B3, arrow; scale bar = 10 µm). C, Pie chart showing the ratio of EYFP-expressing neurons that contain PV or NPY. Note a large proportion of cells does not express either PV or NPY. D, Example of EYFP-expressing cell (panel D1, asterisk) and non-overlapping cells immunopositive for CaMKII (panels D2, D3; scale bar = 10 µm).