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. 2019 Nov 6;6(6):ENEURO.0220-19.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0220-19.2019

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

In vivo photostimulation of transfected INs during extinction training. A, Schematic of the intersectional strategy used to target BA INs in CCK-Cre;Dlx5/6-Flp double-transgenic mice with INTRSECT pAAV-nEF1a-Con/Fon-hChR2(H134R)-EYFP-WPRE or AAVdj-hSyn-Con/Fon-Arch3.3-EYFP-WPRE virus and shine blue or green light during each CS presentation of extinction-training. For fiber placement maps see Extended Data Figure 5-1. B, Photoexcitation, but not photoinhibition, during extinction training reduced freezing on light-free extinction retrieval the following day; n = 9–13 per group; *p < 0.05 INTRSECT-ChR2 versus INTRSECT-EYFP. #p < 0.05 T0 versus T1 extinction training for INTRSECT-ChR2.