Figure 2.
hsa_circ_0092306 Promoted the GC Development in MKN-45 Cells
(A) A schematic diagram of the carrier construction of pLO-ciR used for hsa_circ_0092306 overexpression and pYrbio-LT-1 used for hsa_circ_0092306 knockdown. (B) Successful transfections of hsa_circ_0092306 overexpression and hsa_circ_0092306 knockdown had been verified in MKN-45 cells. (C) Flow cytometry showed a lower apoptosis ratio in the hsa_circ_0092306 overexpression group, which was opposite to that in the hsa_circ_0092306 knockdown group. (D) MTT observed cell viability from 0 to 48 h and revealed robust cell viability in the hsa_circ_0092306-overexpressed group. (E) Wound healing and Transwell assays reflected stranger cell migration and invasion of MKN-45 cells after hsa_circ_0092306 overexpression. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001 meant statistical significance.