Figure 2.
Model parameter estimation. (A) Reduction of image resolution by pixel binning. Reported value of resolution is res = 1/n (where n × n pixels have been averaged and condensed into a single pixel; res = 1 is the experimentally acquired image). (B) Measured CVs at division (symbols) at four different image resolutions (as in A) and therefore with four different experimental errors σε. Lines show fitting of these CV data by tuning the parameters of the model. See also Fig. S2. Dashed line is located where σε = Rσρ: for smaller errors, area sensing becomes apparent, i.e., . WT strain FC15, n = 326. (C) Measurement of division asymmetry and its fitting with a Gaussian distribution to determine σα (n = 106), where L∗s-t is the measured distance between the division septum and cell tip. Experimental data are fitted with σα∗ = 0.035. Because , we can extract σα = 0.032.