Fig. 3.
Microbial community profiles of Musca domestica microbiotas. a Bacterial and b fungal taxa were chosen to represent the most prevalent taxa in all habitats (present in > 50% of samples in each habitat separately, at 0.5% detection threshold—the resulting list was compiled, and unique ones chosen for analyses). The average abundance of the taxon in the habitat is given in the box as percentage. Prevalence heat map indicates the proportion of samples carrying each taxon in > 0.1% abundance. Enrichment of significantly different amplicon sequence variants (Kruskal-Wallis test, fdr corrected p value < 0.01) is indicated in the lower panels for internal and external samples: blue vs. orange = Belgium vs. Rwanda, turquoise vs. purple = farms vs. homes/hospitals in Belgium, yellow vs. red = farms vs. homes/hospitals in Rwanda. The bacterial community of the house flies shows distinct patterns of enrichment based on country and habitat, whereas the fungal community members are enriched mainly according to the flies’ country of origin