Table 4.
Key events between initiation and sustainability of PP
Case 2-Oncology | |
Initiation 2011–2013 |
• Launch of major projects on collaborative practices within the HCO • Strategic committee set up to plan collaborative projects and four clinical teams selected to initiate the Partners in Care Program • Department of multidisciplinary services responsible for implementing PP |
Deployment 2014–2015 |
• Community of practice created to support the initiation of the Partners in Care Programs within clinical teams • Breast cancer team completed one QI cycle with PAs and support from UofM • Involvement of PAs in the co-construction and co-presenting with providers of educational activities for patients |
Sustainability 2015–2017 |
• HCO 2 merged with seven other HCOs • CEO decided to continue the PP approach in the new HCO • Co-existence of two different PP approaches in the merged HCOs • Two successive departments in charge of PP implementation (public health then quality department) • Breast cancer team completed four QI cycles and 10 PAs involved in QI activities within the oncology program |