Figure 3.
The escape response of golden grey mullets (Liza aurata). (a) Tracing of the midline and centre of mass (open circle) of golden grey mullets, shown at 10 ms of intervals. Top left, a single bend (SB) response in which fish glides after the first body bend (stage 1). Top right, a double bend (DB) response, in which fish performs two consecutive body bends. (b) the turning rate vs. time curve shows that DB responses (continuous line) reverse the turn (i.e. negative values), while the turning rate of SB response (dotted line) is around zero after stage 1 (i.e. after around 60 ms). (c) The curve of escape speed vs. time shows that speed is higher in DB (continuous line) than in SB responses (dotted line). DB responses are more common in normoxia than in hypoxia, in golden grey mullet. From Lefrancois et al. (2005).