Timeline and geographic distribution of materials data infrastructures and companies. The colour of the dots represents the time of establishment. The map shows that historically more centers have emerged in the U.S. and Europe, with Asia catching up over time. In addition, the U.S. has a higher renewal rate than Europe, as can be seen in the larger number of ligher colored dots. CSD: Cambridge Structural Database, ICSD: Inorganic Crystal Structure Database, ESP: Electronic Structure Project, AFLOW: Automatic‐Flow for Materials Discovery, AIST: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Databases, COD: Crystallography Open Database, MatDL: Materials Digital Library, CMR: Computational Materials Repository, NREL CID: NREL Center for Inverse Design, CEPDB: The Clean Energy Project Database, MGI: Materials Genome Initiative, CMD: Computational Materials Network, OQMD: Open Quantum Materials Database, NOMAD: Novel Materials Discovery Laboratory, MaX: Materials Design at the Exascale, MICCOM: Midwest Integrated Center for Computational Materials, MPDS: Materials Platform for Data Science, CMI2: Center for Materials Research by Information Integration, HTEM: High Throughput Experimental Materials Database, JARVIS: Joint Automated Repository for Various Integrated Simulations, OMDB: Organic Materials Database, QCArchive: The Quantum Chemistry Archive.