Figure 3.
Positive association between pre-surgery functional connectivity (in the DMN, FPN and hippocampus) and increase in cognitive control of eating from pre- to post surgery (note: color scale indicates T-values; X-axis on scatterplot indicates average connectivity values). (A) DEBQ Emotional Eating subscale associated with FC between the Posterior Cingulate Cortex (DMN) with Frontal Medial Cortex (FMC; L/R) (p-FDR corrected<0.001) and PCC (DMN) with Cingulate Gyrus, posterior division (pCG) (p-FDR-corrected<0.001) (upper panel) and with FC between the right Hippocampus with R Lingual Gyrus/Paracingulate Gyrus (p-FDR-corrected=0.019) (lower panel). (B) DEBQ Restraint Eating subscale associated with FC between the Right Posterior Parietal Cortex (FPN) with Right Lingual Gyrus (p-FDR-corrected=0.037). (C) DEBQ External Eating subscale associated with FC between the Right Hippocampus with Right Precentral Gyrus (p-FDR-corrected=0.018).