Figure 5. Network architecture and NMDAR recruitment at feedback connections.
(A) Schematic of network structure. (B) Voltage traces of interneuron (black) and principal cells (blue, cell # at right) during network simulation. The network was driven by an asynchronous barrage of spikes, maximal in cell #125 (‘clustered’ input). (C) Corresponding currents in interneuron. Red: NMDAR currents from principal cells; green: GABAR currents from autaptic PV+ cell connections; black: sum of NMDAR and AMPAR currents from principal cells; gray: AMPAR currents from external drive. (D) Left: schematic showing cell assemblies receiving clustered (top) or dispersed (bottom) external inputs, and middle: corresponding summary plots of network simulation showing external drive input distribution (gray), pyramidal cell firing (blue, circles), and interneuron firing (black, and vertical dashed lines). Right: average NMDAR and AMPAR charge in interneuron per principal neuron spike. (Autaptic and feedback connections from PV+ cells are omitted from the schematic for clarity.).