Figure 2.
Survival analysis of prioritized lipid species. (A) Lipid species with adjusted p-values < 0.1 in analyses of association with eGFR or logUACR slope entered the Cox proportional hazard model for progression to the combined renal endpoint consisting of ≥30% decrease in eGFR, ESRD and all-cause mortality with time to first event. (B) Significant lipids from the crude model of the combined endpoint are tested for each separate endpoint with time to each type of event. HRs are presented per 1 SD increase of the log2 lipid. Adjusted HRs (right) controlled for age, sex, HbA1c, systolic blood pressure, smoking, BMI, statin treatment, p-triglycerides, total p-cholesterol, eGFR and logUAER. PC phosphatidylcholine, TG triacylglycerol, SM sphingomyelin.